
UMBC Political Science and Public Policy Faculty Provide National, State, and Local Election Analysis

Several UMBC faculty have been in the news providing 2014 midterm election analysis. Thomas Schaller, Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department, appeared on MSNBC’s “All in with Chris Hayes,” to analyze the election results and discuss how Republican control in Congress could affect legislation in the future. In addition, Schaller co-wrote a column for Politico Magazine before the election in which he discussed pre-election polls of Latino voters and how they could have an affect in predicting the outcome in Colorado’s Senate race. Schaller was quoted in a Washington Post story before the election discussing how the Maryland gubernatorial race turned unexpectedly close… Continue Reading UMBC Political Science and Public Policy Faculty Provide National, State, and Local Election Analysis

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and on WJZ

Throughout the week leading up to Election Day 2014, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was in the news analyzing Maryland’s gubernatorial election. Norris appeared on WJZ-TV and was quoted in the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post. Norris discussed the governor’s race drawing national interest, the candidates’ position on taxes, voter attitudes, and how turnout could affect the race. To read and view full coverage of Norris’ analysis, click on the links below: Md. candidates for governor take their messages around the state (WJZ) Early voting continues as gubernatorial candidates vie for ballots (WJZ) Maryland’s governor race sparks national interest (Baltimore Sun)  Brown, Hogan tight-lipped… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and on WJZ

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

As the Maryland gubernatorial race intensifies, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed for several articles in the Baltimore Sun providing analysis. Norris commented on voter turnout, Republican candidate Larry Hogan’s campaign strategy, and distortions that have been prevalent during the campaign. To read complete version of the three articles Norris was quoted in, click below. Brown bucks trend nationally with Obama invitation Hogan, activist and businessman, ‘wears his passion on his sleeve’ Distortions fly in the race for governor

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ and WYPR, in the Washington Post

Ahead of Tuesday’s Maryland gubernatorial debate, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris analyzed what was at stake in the debate and what each candidate needed to accomplish. In an interview on WJZ Channel 13, Norris said, “what each candidate needs to accomplish at the debates is first to look personable so that they don’t turn people off with their demeanor. And secondly, they have to not make any mistakes.” He added, “different people are going to have different perspectives on who wins or who loses — again — unless somebody makes a really big mistake,” Norris added. On WYPR, Norris commented… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ and WYPR, in the Washington Post

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris discussed the upcoming gubernatorial election in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times this week. In an article in the Jewish Times about Republicanism in Maryland, Norris predicted that a win for the Democrats, explaining that Republican nominee Larry Hogan’s focus on the economy would not sway voters. In The Baltimore Sun, Norris commented on Hogan’s attention to environmental issues. Hogan has questioned Democratic nominee Anthony Brown’s commitment to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. “I’ve been in the state since 1986, and I don’t remember the bay being an issue, at least in this… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on WJZ 13

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris spoke to The Baltimore Sun and WJZ 13 about risk-taking in the gubernatorial campaign and Ben Caron’s possible bid for the presidency. In a Baltimore Sun article about how both nominees for governor have avoided risky campaign strategies, Norris commented on Republican nominee Larry Hogan’s vague campaign promises. “As soon as he gives specifics, that opens him to attack from his opponent,” Norris said. Norris also spoke to WJZ 13 about former Johns Hopkins head of neurosurgery Ben Carson’s possible bid for the presidency, mentioning that Carson might be too far to the right… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on WJZ 13

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ 13 and in the Baltimore Sun

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was in the news this past week analyzing the race for Maryland governor. As the campaign gains steam, Norris was interviewed by WJZ Channel 13 and the Baltimore Sun. As more negative campaign ads emerge between Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and Republican opponent Larry Hogan, Norris told WJZ that, “attack ads we know three or four things about. One of them is they work, which is why candidates and their campaigns use them,” said Norris. He also discussed the ads as a potential way to drive more voter turnout: “I know that both camps… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ 13 and in the Baltimore Sun

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

As Election Day in November nears, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris has been in the news analyzing statewide races in Maryland. Norris was recently quoted in two articles in The Baltimore Sun about primary campaign spending and candidates hitting the road to visit other states. On August 27, The Baltimore Sun published an article on June’s gubernatorial primary campaign spending, which was a record of almost $25 million. Norris noted the primaries were competitive with viable candidates in both parties and spending continues to mount: “The competitive primary helps explain part of it,” Norris said. “The rest of it is it costs more… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

John Rennie Short, Public Policy, to Present Lecture at National Heritage Museum

The National Heritage Museum in Lexington, Massachusetts contains exhibitions, collections and programs based on American history, traditions and culture. It contains the Van Gorden-Williams Library, a research library specializing in American Freemasonry. As part of the museum’s series on its collection of historic maps, Public Policy Professor John Rennie Short will present an upcoming lecture entitled, “Cartographic Encounters: Native Americans in the Exploration and Mapping of North America.” Short, an expert on the history of cartography, will discuss how Native Americans were an essential element in the European and American exploration and mapping of North America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He will… Continue Reading John Rennie Short, Public Policy, to Present Lecture at National Heritage Museum

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on FOX 45

As the race for Maryland governor picks up in intensity in the coming weeks heading into the fall, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was in the news this past week providing analysis on the state of the campaign. “It’s clearly Anthony’s to lose,” said Norris in an August 14 article in The Baltimore Sun when referring to Democratic candidate Anthony Brown’s chances of winning the election. In a separate article, Norris commented on an event held at the Maryland Association of Counties (MACO) Convention in which Brown and Republican candidate Larry Hogan appeared separately to avoid face-to-face confrontation. “There’s no… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on FOX 45

Tim Brennan FCC Appointment Extended

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has extended the appointment of UMBC public policy and economics professor Tim Brennan as chief economist through December 31, 2014. Dr. Brennan’s appointment is part of an FCC program that brings in scholars from academia to provide outside perspectives and advice on challenging issues. Dr. Brennan has held the position of FCC chief economist since January, 2014.

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun, on WJZ 13

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was recently quoted in The Baltimore Sun about the Maryland governor’s race and Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein’s announcement that he is leaving his post as secretary of the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as the O’Malley administration ends. An article published August 2 titled, “Brown, Hogan sharply divided on child immigration,” highlights the stark contrast in positions on the issue between Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and his Republican opponent Larry Hogan, who has said the state shouldn’t do anything to make it easier for children who have entered the country illegally to come… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun, on WJZ 13

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