Man sitting behind a drum kit playing under purple lighting.

Sharing the beat of his own drum—Connor LeFevre ’23 finds success through UMBC’s music tech program

On a chilly February night, some of the most dedicated local music fans pile in for a floor show at a small grunge venue, Baltimore’s Ottobar. When the first band, Lean Tee, takes the floor and begins playing, the mood of the room shifts from anticipation to excitement. Connor LeFevre ’23, music technology, sits behind the drum kit in the center. This show represents a pretty typical night for LeFevre, as he has centered his life around music—a career move, he said, made possible by his major at UMBC, which gave him full-time access to recording spaces and instructors who remain active in their musical fields. Continue Reading Sharing the beat of his own drum—Connor LeFevre ’23 finds success through UMBC’s music tech program