
A man holds a large fish over a huge blue tub full of ice and other fish.

UMBC-led Aquaculture Research Center donates thousands of pounds of seafood to local food pantries

“The U.S. is the largest importer of seafood in the world. Currently the oceans are overfished, and IMET is working on innovative aquaculture platforms that will reduce U.S. and global dependence on wild fisheries stocks,” Yonathan Zohar says. “Through these donations, we can also provide a small level of societal benefit right away and close to home.” Continue Reading UMBC-led Aquaculture Research Center donates thousands of pounds of seafood to local food pantries

Open, naturally lit atrium with round tables with ocean blue tablecloths filled with people. Screens and podium at the front of the room; someone is presenting.

UMBC-led aquaculture conference brings together academics, business and government leaders, educators to move the industry forward

More than 110 attendees met for the second annual Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon conference in October. The conference gave stakeholders the opportunity to share progress and address remaining challenges to move the aquaculture industry forward. USM Chancellor Jay Perman said the project is “poised to change the face of food scarcity and food production the world over.” Continue Reading UMBC-led aquaculture conference brings together academics, business and government leaders, educators to move the industry forward

Building exterior; mostly glass with concrete protrusion labeled in blue with "IMET: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology" and a logo of an abstract fish

Underwater cameras facilitate large-scale study of oyster reef habitat in Chesapeake Bay

The research team collected data at about 50 sties in each of 12 tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. With an array of management practices in use and a wide range of salinity and other environmental conditions, “We’re really fortunate that Chesapeake Bay is such a great place to do this research,” says UMBC’s Allison Tracy. Continue Reading Underwater cameras facilitate large-scale study of oyster reef habitat in Chesapeake Bay

UMBC faculty and staff award recipients place community at the core of their success

At UMBC’s 2022 Presidential Faculty and Staff Awards (PFASA), Tamra Mendelson said she loves “getting to the core of a concept” in her research and teaching. As awardee after awardee addressed the audience, both in person and online, it became clear that all shared the same “core concept” of UMBC: community. Continue Reading UMBC faculty and staff award recipients place community at the core of their success

UMBC and Israeli Ministry of Agriculture establish aquaculture research partnership

The partnership will center on addressing challenges to the aquaculture industry that, once overcome, will make aquaculture more efficient and sustainable, and expand it to more seafood species. “There is an urgent need to promote agriculture in a sustainable way in the U.S.,” said Russell Hill, “and we hope to contribute as much as possible to that effort.” Continue Reading UMBC and Israeli Ministry of Agriculture establish aquaculture research partnership

UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar to lead $10 million partnership to scale land-based salmon aquaculture

“The mission is to enable an innovative, effective, and sustainable U.S. Atlantic salmon production platform that will transform the U.S. food and aquaculture systems and secure and increase high-quality and affordable seafood production for the world,” Yonathan Zohar says. Continue Reading UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar to lead $10 million partnership to scale land-based salmon aquaculture

A curved wall on the outside of a building lined with images of marine life.

UMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record number of MIPS awards for tech collaborations

Six UMBC faculty members have just received grants from the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) program to develop new technologies with potential to grow the state’s economy. This is UMBC’s largest number of winning proposals within a single proposal round since MIPS began. Continue Reading UMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record number of MIPS awards for tech collaborations

Yonathan Zohar by a large fish tank

BARD Fund honors UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar for aquaculture research with $12B global economic impact

Yonathan Zohar has stayed in Baltimore for 30 years because the environment is conducive to research that has a positive societal impact. His early work enabled the growth of the aquaculture industry, and today he continues to develop ground-breaking sustainable, land-based aquaculture processes. Continue Reading BARD Fund honors UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar for aquaculture research with $12B global economic impact

Yonathan Zohar by a large fish tank

Groundbreaking fish research by UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar spawns partnership with AquaCon on $1 billion Maryland aquaculture project

“I’ve been working in Maryland for almost 30 years, and we’ve been developing a lot of these technologies,” Yonathan Zohar says. “Our mission is research, education, and economic development, and we have been working to create connections between academia and industry to fulfill that mission.” Continue Reading Groundbreaking fish research by UMBC’s Yonathan Zohar spawns partnership with AquaCon on $1 billion Maryland aquaculture project

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