
3D Scanning Room opens with a 90-camera flash

UMBC’s Imaging Research Center (IRC) has debuted the 3D Scanning Room, featuring new software that allows 3D models to be created by combining dozens of 2D photographs. A ribbon-cutting event and brief remarks from President Freeman Hrabowski and Vice President of Research Karl Steiner were held on Tuesday, December 8. The 3D Scanning Room features 90 digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras that are set up in a circular formation around a space where people or objects are positioned for 2D photographs. The cameras take simultaneous photos, looking for features like textures and edges that reflect light. Once the photos are captured, they are… Continue Reading 3D Scanning Room opens with a 90-camera flash

Inaugural Inventors’ Luncheon honors UMBC faculty innovators across disciplines

UMBC’s inaugural Innovators Luncheon, held November 30, 2015, celebrated faculty innovators from across the university who are forging new paths in their fields. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Office of Technology Development (OTD), Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA), and bwtech@UMBC, the event acknowledged accomplishments of UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund (TCF) and Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) awardees. In addition to recognizing the TCF and MII awardees, five UMBC faculty were presented with awards for outstanding initiatives in disclosing their inventions. Christopher Geddes, professor of chemistry and biochemistry and director of the Institute of Fluorescence (IOF); Fow-Sen… Continue Reading Inaugural Inventors’ Luncheon honors UMBC faculty innovators across disciplines

Pres. Hrabowski reflects on how Civil Rights movement inspired his career in education

When Freeman Hrabowski was 12 years old, he marched for civil rights in his hometown of Birmingham, Ala., part of the legendary Children’s Crusade of 1963. It was an early lesson in the way a loving community can help empower children to take hold of their own futures. The president of UMBC recalled that and other lessons from his Birmingham childhood and discussed his latest book, Holding Fast to Dreams, in a wide-ranging podcast conversation with Dan Rodricks of the Baltimore Sun. Hrabowski noted that UMBC, which he has headed since 1992, was the first Maryland university open from its… Continue Reading Pres. Hrabowski reflects on how Civil Rights movement inspired his career in education

APHA national meeting features UMBC leadership in social and policy dimensions of health research

UMBC took center stage as more than 13,000 public health professionals gathered in Chicago for the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting, November 1-4, 2015. President Freeman Hrabowski presented the keynote address, which examined the conference theme “Health in All Policies” and highlighted UMBC’s national leadership in research related to the social and policy dimensions of health. “You and I together, we have the responsibility of helping the general public [recognize the core importance of] this notion of public health,” President Hrabowski asserted during his opening remarks. His talk focused on the need to understand and address the social… Continue Reading APHA national meeting features UMBC leadership in social and policy dimensions of health research

UMBC celebrates launch of campaign to reconnect with 70,000 global alumni ahead of 50th

Can hundreds of committed UMBC alumni, students, faculty and staff spread the word about our exceptional public research university and its 50th anniversary to almost 70,000 alumni and the rest of the world? The first wave of those “hundreds” – including more than 200 alumni – gathered at Homecoming 2015 in a tent on UMBC’s new campus entrance to kick off a year-long effort to do just that. It was a festive evening where old friends reconnected and new relationships were forged. In coming together, attendees found unity in the fundamental power of unique UMBC stories across many decades to… Continue Reading UMBC celebrates launch of campaign to reconnect with 70,000 global alumni ahead of 50th

President Hrabowski joins new panel to examine future of undergraduate education

President Hrabowski will serve as a member of the Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education, a panel of experts tasked with studying the impact and effectiveness of the nation’s existing educational systems and identifying the challenges and opportunities facing higher education. The panel, formed by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, will use research drawn from higher education institutions across the country to forecast the future of the nation’s education needs and offer recommendations to ensure undergraduate education remains accessible for students from all backgrounds. The three-year initiative, led by co-chairs Michael McPherson, President of the Spencer Foundation,… Continue Reading President Hrabowski joins new panel to examine future of undergraduate education

President Hrabowski discusses how his experiences during the Civil Rights movement inspired his career in education

In a recent interview on PBS’s Tavis Smiley Show, President Hrabowski shared how his experiences as a young boy during the Civil Rights movement shaped his future in higher education and inspired his pursuit of STEM achievement for students of all backgrounds. Much of the discussion revolved around topics addressed in Dr. Hrabowski’s latest book, Holding Fast to Dreams. Dr. Hrabowski recounted meeting Martin Luther King, Jr. and participating in a peaceful march, which led to his arrest. He also commented on how the experience compelled him, and many others, to take a more active role supporting the community and… Continue Reading President Hrabowski discusses how his experiences during the Civil Rights movement inspired his career in education

Freeman Hrabowski

President Hrabowski speaks at Southwest Baltimore Economic Forum

President Freeman Hrabowski was the featured speaker at the October gathering of the Southwest Baltimore Economic Forum. In his remarks on Oct. 26, the president pointed to the many ties between the communities of southwest Baltimore County and the campus and urged residents to “think about UMBC as your institution.” He noted that about 4,000 undergraduates live on campus and another almost 1,500 students and university employees live in the Catonsville and Arbutus zip codes of 21227 and 21228. Acknowledging the work of the Neighbor Relations Group, which brings together UMBC officials and community leaders, the president said that the… Continue Reading President Hrabowski speaks at Southwest Baltimore Economic Forum

President Hrabowski emphasizes the importance of inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity in STEM fields

In a recent interview with Comcast Newsmakers, President Freeman Hrabowski acknowledged that, while the number of jobs in STEM-related fields is growing, minority representation within these fields still lags. “There are far too few Americans, in general, who love math or who are in STEM fields,” said Dr. Hrabowski, when asked about his successful career as an African-American with a math and science background. According to a 2010 study by the National Academies Committee chaired by Dr. Hrabowski, only 5 percent of 24 year-olds of all races hold STEM degrees—and only 2-3 percent of minorities. During the interview, Dr. Hrabowski pointed… Continue Reading President Hrabowski emphasizes the importance of inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity in STEM fields

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