Group of five people in fieldwork clothing, one holding a small bird. Tropical forest in the background.

Mentors help students grow their research skills, from fieldwork in Puerto Rico to labs at UMBC

Ellie Bare completed multiple projects with Kevin Omland’s research group, gaining valuable leadership and research skills that will support her future success. “Dr. Omland encourages that in his undergrads, which is really special,” Bare says. “He’s really supportive of undergrads getting the full research experience.” Continue Reading Mentors help students grow their research skills, from fieldwork in Puerto Rico to labs at UMBC

Headshot of student who is wearing glasses on UMBC's campus.

McNair Scholar reflects on the power of research mentorship and leadership through supporting others

McNair Scholar Joana Hernandez is a research enthusiast who found her interest in scientific exploration and mentorship while at UMBC. Since 2019, Hernandez has worked as a research assistant in the lab of Fernando Vonhoff, biological sciences. It was in Vonhoff’s lab where she realized that there were opportunities to turn her love of learning into a career in research. Continue Reading McNair Scholar reflects on the power of research mentorship and leadership through supporting others

Satellite image showing Africa on the right and a large sweep of tan atmospheric dust over the Atlantic Ocean along with white and gray clouds

UMBC researchers co-author new Science study on how atmospheric dust impacts ocean health

New findings reveal details of the complex relationship between atmospheric dust and vast populations of phytoplankton at the ocean’s surface. These tiny photosynthetic organisms form the foundation of the ocean food chain and play a key role in the global carbon cycle, so the new research will be especially useful as dust patterns shift with climate change. Continue Reading UMBC researchers co-author new Science study on how atmospheric dust impacts ocean health

A science student with short brown hair, mustache, and beard wearing a yellow t-shirt about philosophy stands outside in front of a row of trees

A shift in plans leads to new opportunities, combining philosophy and science

Avi Newman ’23, biochemistry and molecular biology, biological sciences, and philosophy, appreciates his research advisor and other humanities and science faculty mentors, as well as his fellow students. He shares, “I am constantly inspired and invigorated by my amazing peers and friends” at UMBC. Continue Reading A shift in plans leads to new opportunities, combining philosophy and science

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