Eileen Meyer and Markos Georganopoulos, Physics, Use Hubble Telescope to Observe Rare “Shock Collision”

Eileen Meyer and Markos Georganopoulos, physics, published an article in Nature last week detailing their research on black holes. Meyer, the lead author of the paper, is completing a postdoctoral position at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore before beginning her professorship at UMBC. Using photographs taken with the Hubble Space Telescope over the past 25 years, Meyer and Georganopoulos observed a “shock collision” of plasma jets, indicating that plasma jets run into each other and gain energy in that manner. “Something like this has never been seen before in an extragalactic jet,” Meyer said. “This will allow us… Continue Reading Eileen Meyer and Markos Georganopoulos, Physics, Use Hubble Telescope to Observe Rare “Shock Collision”

Biological Sciences Faculty and Ph.D. Student Find Light-Sensitive Components in Cephalopod Skin

Thomas Cronin, biological sciences, and Alexandra Kingston, Ph.D. candidate in biological sciences, worked with scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts to find that squid and cuttlefish possess light-sensitive proteins called opsins on their skin. Their findings were published in the Journal of Experimental Biology last week and have received widespread media coverage. Their discovery suggests, but does not prove, that cephalopods might be able to sense light through their skin. “All the machinery is there for them to be light-sensitive but we can’t prove that,” Cronin told National Geographic. “We don’t know if they contribute to camouflage or… Continue Reading Biological Sciences Faculty and Ph.D. Student Find Light-Sensitive Components in Cephalopod Skin

Jeffrey Gardner Receives Dept. of Energy Early Career Award

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected UMBC’s Jeffrey Gardner, assistant professor of biological sciences, for a 2015 Early Career Research Program award. This program supports exceptional researchers early in their careers, when many scientists do their most formative work. The DOE award will provide five years of support for Dr. Gardner’s research into the use of plants as a renewable energy source. Most animals can’t use wood as an energy source because they are unable to digest plant cell walls. Termites are able to get energy from wood thanks to the help of bacteria that live in the termites’ digestive… Continue Reading Jeffrey Gardner Receives Dept. of Energy Early Career Award

COEIT and CNMS Host AAAS “Communicating Science” Faculty Workshop

On Friday, April 10, the College of Engineering and Information Technology and College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences hosted a “Communicating Science” workshop for STEM faculty, organized through UMBC’s Office of Institutional Advancement. Over 40 faculty registered for the day-long event. Speaker Linda Hosler from the Center for Public Engagement with Science and Technology at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) presented strategies for communicating scientific research to public audiences and media. Faculty honed concise, accessible messages about their scientific research and practiced presentations on camera and in an interview setting. The workshop also helped researchers identify pathways and… Continue Reading COEIT and CNMS Host AAAS “Communicating Science” Faculty Workshop

Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Their Legacy for Today (4/21)

Author Lecture and Book Signing, Organic Refreshments Tuesday, April 21, 4-6 p.m. Albin O. Kuhn Library, 7th floor As part of Earth Week at UMBC, Dr. Robert K. Musil will present a talk on his book Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Extraordinary Women Who Have Shaped America’s Environment (Rutgers University Press, 2014). Dr. Musil is president of the Rachel Carson Council, senior fellow at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, American University, and former CEO of Physicians for Social Responsibility. In the book, Dr. Musil tells the story of Rachel Carson, who is credited with advancing the global environment movement. The… Continue Reading Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Their Legacy for Today (4/21)

Vanderlei Martins on the Value of Cube Satellites

Vanderlei Martins, a professor of physics and researcher with the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET) joined Sheilah Kast on Maryland Morning to discuss his cube satellite or CubeSat project. Martins is working with students, other professors and NASA scientists to build the backpack-sized satellite. Martins plans to use his tiny satellite to study the role of aerosols, particles in the atmosphere, in cloud formation. Aerosols, he says, are essential for forming clouds. If there weren’t any aerosols there wouldn’t be any clouds. Listen to the program  

Biology and Batteries

In the quest to make a better battery Evgenia Barannikova, a graduate student at UMBC in the department of chemistry and biochemistry, has isolated a peptide, a small sequence of amino acids, which binds to lithium manganese nickel oxide (LMNO), a material that can be used to make high performance batteries. “Biology provides several tools for us to solve important problems,” said Evgenia Barannikova, a graduate student at UMBC. Barannikova works in the lab of Mark Allen and studies how biological molecules in general can improve the properties of inorganic materials in batteries. “By mimicking biological processes we can find the better… Continue Reading Biology and Batteries

U.S. Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, Visits UMBC

Last week the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, visited UMBC to meet with President Hrabowski, faculty and students. WBAL’s Tim Tooten covered the visit. Tooten reported that Moniz explained that there was a growing need for underrepresented minorities to help fill the energy-related jobs of the future. Moniz first met with a group of students from UMBC’s prestigious Meyerhoff Scholars program. Students said that Moniz’s remarks made a big impact on them. “I think I am going to go and look more into what energy can do and what I can do in research for energy,” Aida Berhane ’17,… Continue Reading U.S. Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, Visits UMBC

UMBC Undergraduate Research Conference a Success

UMBC held its 17th annual undergraduate research symposium on October 25. This event was open to students from outside UMBC, with participants coming from Maryland universities and colleges, as well as participants coming from as far away as Massachusetts and Alabama. The conference was by all accounts a tremendous success with 500 participants from 16 states.

UMBC hosts White House College Opportunity Initiative workshop to improve STEM education nationwide

“What is UMBC’’s special sauce?” ”That’s what Susan Singer, director of the National Science Foundation’’s Division of Undergraduate Education, pondered aloud when she took the stage on September 16, 2014, at an education workshop co-hosted by the White House and UMBC. How has UMBC so successfully supported students from all backgrounds, while many other universities struggle with lagging retention rates and achievement gaps, particularly in the sciences, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? Later that morning, Dean Bill LaCourse revealed the UMBC recipe. We’’ve succeeded, he shared, through a commitment to inclusion, community of support, stable leadership, recognition of the diverse… Continue Reading UMBC hosts White House College Opportunity Initiative workshop to improve STEM education nationwide

Vice Provost Patrice McDermott Calls for Gender Equity in Peer Review

As guest editor of the spring 2014 issue of Peer Review, Patrice McDermott, vice provost for faculty affairs, coauthored an introductory essay that calls for greater inclusivity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). While the United States seeks to increase the number of STEM workers, the number of women STEM graduates decreased by 39% from 2001 to 2010. In order to reverse this trend, McDermott and co-author Kelly Mack advocate for growing the number of female faculty members, which has been shown to have positive effects on retaining female students. The article states, “We need a fundamental reconsideration of… Continue Reading Vice Provost Patrice McDermott Calls for Gender Equity in Peer Review

CNMS Welcomes Jacinta D. Kelly as Assistant Dean of Financial Management

The College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce the appointment of Jacinta D. Kelly as Assistant Dean of Financial Management effective July 28, 2014. Kelly comes from the National Labor College (Silver Spring, MD), where she served as the Director of Finance. Previously, she held the positions of Senior Budget Analyst at The George Washington University and Associate Fiscal Officer at the National Academy of Sciences. In addition to her financial management expertise and experience, Kelly has a Master of Public Administration (Southeastern University), Master of Forensic Sciences (The George Washington University), and a Bachelor of Arts,… Continue Reading CNMS Welcomes Jacinta D. Kelly as Assistant Dean of Financial Management

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