
Three college students who are wearing suits smiling at the camera on UMBC's campus. Students are 2024 Goldwater Scholarship recipients.

UMBC students receive prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for fifth consecutive year

For the fifth consecutive year, multiple UMBC students have been awarded a Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Gabriel Otubu ’25, biochemistry, Nathaniel Glover ’25, chemical engineering, and Samuel Barnett ’25, biochemistry, were recently named among the 2024 Goldwater Scholars recipients, joining UMBC’s growing list of students to receive this prestigious research scholarship. Continue Reading UMBC students receive prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for fifth consecutive year

Kevin Yang '07, Katelyn Niu '05, and their son holding up their Homecoming 2023 nametags.

Meet a Retriever—Kevin Yang ’07, Alumni Association Executive Vice President

Meet Kevin Yang ’07, computer science and financial economics. Kevin is a real estate entrepreneur, the current executive vice president and vice president of finance of the UMBC Alumni Association Board of Directors, and one half of an alumni power couple. Kevin met his wife, Katelyn Niu ’05, biochemistry, when the pair found themselves in the same physics study group as undergrads (because where else do you find love at UMBC?). They both share a passion for UMBC that runs deep. Take it away, Kevin! Q: What is your WHY? What brought you to UMBC?  A. I grew up in… Continue Reading Meet a Retriever—Kevin Yang ’07, Alumni Association Executive Vice President

A mentor stands outside talking with a student about asking for help and community support with a building and trees in the background

Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

“College can be a nerve-wracking and anxious experience, right? So when you have a question, or when you are feeling uncertain, when you are feeling overwhelmed, do me one favor,” said Joel DeWyer, director of campus life operations, encouraging students to find community support. “Find someone around you in your community and ask for help.” Continue Reading Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

A colorfully illustrated design in bright teals, yellows, and pinks, that show interconnected gears and pulleys leading to a lightbulb.

When We Work Together

On the eve of UMBC’s 50th anniversary in 2016, when the institution put forth a goal to raise $150 million— money that goes directly to student scholarships, graduate fellowships, professorial awards, and so much more— we didn’t question if we would succeed, we just wondered how we’d be able to capture the magnitude of the collective campaign when it came to a close. Continue Reading When We Work Together

UMBC's campus from a bird's eye view

UMBC’s student innovation competition winners share tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Student teams recently gathered at Betamore, a Baltimore-based entrepreneurship and coworking space, to battle in the final round of UMBC’s annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition. This year’s competition included two distinct tracks: technology and innovation, and social impact. The top three ideas in each track received funding to help move their ventures forward. Continue Reading UMBC’s student innovation competition winners share tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Scholar-athlete shines a light on mental health

Courtney Coppersmith, ‘22, biochemistry and molecular biology, experienced UMBC as a welcoming community on her first visit, and she has devoted her time on campus to paying that spirit forward. She is one of the top softball pitchers in the nation. And she has supported fellow UMBC student-athletes and the broader UMBC community through mental health and food security initiatives. Continue Reading Scholar-athlete shines a light on mental health

Scholarship Q&A: Joelle Cusic ’16

As the academic year draws to a close, we thought we might take the time to introduce you to some of our Alumni Association Scholarship recipients. Today, we hear from Joelle Cusic ’16, biochemistry and molecular biology. Name: Joelle Cusic Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Grad Year: 2016 Extracurriculars: Shock Trauma volunteer at UMMC, URA scholar, Woolie, hospital lab volunteer, violin Why did you decide to attend UMBC? I decided to attend UMBC because I felt that I would receive a strong science education with the opportunity to do research, which would provide me with a strong foundation upon which I… Continue Reading Scholarship Q&A: Joelle Cusic ’16

Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

Here’s just a sampling of how UMBC made the news this week: UMBC has been listed alongside Cal Tech, Princeton, and MIT in this year’s edition of The Princeton Review’s “Colleges That Pay You Back,” a ranking of institutions that “give you the best bang for your tuition buck.” Chris Geddes, chemistry and biochemistry, is developing a faster, cheaper, and more accurate test to detect STDs by targeting DNA sequences with microwave technology and fluorescence. Ramon Goings, Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program, was quoted in a recent Ebony article discussing the importance of black male educators in K-12 settings. Men’s… Continue Reading Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Dr. Hrabowski, when asked for his New Year’s resolution by Baltimore magazine, says he resolves “to see challenges as opportunity for growth.” Govind Rao, chemistry and biochemistry, discusses the potentially life-saving improvements he and his team have made to the design of a low-cost incubator for preterm and low-birth-weight babies. Kimberly Moffitt,… Continue Reading Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

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