
Hacking the Real World: Donor support gives students hands-on experience in their fields

This spring, more than 350 students joined in this year’s annual HackUMBC, a 24-hour “tech innovation marathon” where participants were challenged to come up with creative solutions to specific challenges. The slogan: “Dream big. Make it happen.” Students worked individually and on teams to build projects, or “hacks,” which were judged on technical complexity, elegance, and creativity during an expo at the conclusion of the event. Contrary to popular belief, not all hacks require computer coding. “We call it an idea marathon,” explains Michael Bishoff ’16, computer science, a founder of HackUMBC. “It doesn’t have to be an app or… Continue Reading Hacking the Real World: Donor support gives students hands-on experience in their fields

UMBC Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars at Lakeland Elementary/Middle School. Photo by Marlayna Demond '11 for UMBC.

UMBC prepares next generation of leading K-12 educators with commitment to community

“As the Baltimore County Teacher of the Year, Carter is noted for his enthusiasm, his authenticity, and his work to be a champion for students inside and outside of the classroom,” writes Education Post, in a new story highlighting Corey Carter ’08, biological sciences, ’10 M.A.T. Continue Reading UMBC prepares next generation of leading K-12 educators with commitment to community

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