
Striking the Balance

Striking the Balance Balance and focus. Those are the keys to success for student athletes. And, judging by their GPA’s, UMBC’s athletes have mastered both. This past fall, the Retrievers’ average GPA registered above 3.0 – the first time since the university started keeping track. “In high school, you just had practice and games,” said Iman Kennedy ‘12, psychology, a member of the women’s volleyball team. “Here, you have practice, games, traveling, film, team meetings, coaches’ meetings, conditioning and lifting. There are all these things that go along with being an athlete. And on top of that, you still have… Continue Reading Striking the Balance

Have Ambition, Will Travel

Have Ambition, Will Travel For a number of UMBC students, the end of the semester is just the beginning of the adventure. They’ve been invited to the 62nd annual Meeting of the Nobel Laureates, or won Boren awards and Fulbrights to pursue their academic and research ambitions across the globe. “These are students who stretch the boundaries and want to do something different,” said Brian Souders, associate director of international education services, who helps usher students through the process of applying for Fulbright and Boren awards. This year, UMBC students earned a record number of Fulbrights: five awards, with one… Continue Reading Have Ambition, Will Travel

URCAD: Behind the Research

URCAD: Behind the Research Diane Lee, Dean of Undergraduate Research, on URCAD: Madeline Hall ’12, Geography and Environmental Systems, on Concept Maps Charles Mason ’12, Graphic Design and Philosophy, on Education Charles Mason ’12, Graphic Design and Philosophy, on Inspiration Catherine Pasqualoni ’12, Ancient Studies, on Setbacks Catherine Pasqualoni ’12, Ancient Studies, on URCAD Macy Bokhari ’13, Political Science, on Grad School Macy Bokhari ’13, Political Science, on Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia Macy Bokhari ’13, Political Science, on Media (4/13/12)  

Infinite Possibilities for Minority Women in Mathematics

Infinite Possibilities for Minority Women in Mathematics Leaders across the country have called for the country to produce more scientists, engineers and mathematicians. Yet, despite the fact that minorities comprise the fastest-growing groups in the country, they are the least represented in science and engineering careers. In mathematics, the disparity is particularly acute for underrepresented minority women. They account for less than 2 percent of all doctoral degrees awarded in mathematics each year, as well as less than 1 percent of incoming freshman majoring in the field. “Changing those numbers goes beyond ‘the right thing to do,’” says Freeman Hrabowski,… Continue Reading Infinite Possibilities for Minority Women in Mathematics

UMBC Goes Medieval

UMBC Goes Medieval As a child, Lauren Bucca loved reading fictional books about medieval times.  As she got older, she devoured historical books on the period, exploring a world populated by real events and people. So when she came to UMBC, Bucca decided to major in English to study more of the literature from her favorite period.  Last fall, at the start of Bucca’s junior year, a new opportunity opened up: UMBC began offering a minor in medieval and early modern studies. Bucca, of course, signed up. “It complements my English major very well because I can have a more… Continue Reading UMBC Goes Medieval

Our New Heroes

Our New Heroes With a cape draped over his rugby uniform, Jeremy Brickey clutches the complete works of Shakespeare and smiles for a camera. No, this isn’t an embarrassing initiation to the team.  Brickey ’12, English, is posing for the latest round of admissions advertisements based on “UMBC Superheroes” – students who come to UMBC, find their passions, and soar. What Brickey loves about UMBC is that he is able to simultaneously pursue his interests in rugby, theater and community service, and he wants to spread the word to high school students that they, too, can follow their myriad passions… Continue Reading Our New Heroes

Empowering Students as Change Agents

Empowering Students as Change Agents UMBC is one of several universities working closely with the White House to launch a new effort to promote engaged citizenship. The initiative officially kicks off January 10 with “For Democracy’s Future: Education Reclaims Our Civic Mission,” an all-day event at the White House featuring U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and education leaders from across the country. Catie Collins, UMBC Student Government Association president, serves as the nation’s only undergraduate student on the steering committee of the American Commonwealth Partnership (ACP), which has partnered with the U.S. Department of Education and Association of American… Continue Reading Empowering Students as Change Agents

Shady Grove Anniversary

Bringing UMBC to Montgomery County for a Decade When the Universities at Shady Grove opened, it was an innovative concept in higher education: a place where part-time students could attend classes from a variety of public institutions. And UMBC was one of the first universities to embrace the concept, joining the center from its start. This fall, UMBC celebrates its 10th anniversary as part of the endeavor. In those years, USG has grown into a state-of-the-art center with more than 60 degree programs in partnership with nine USM schools, serving more than 3,650 undergraduate and graduate students. UMBC now offers… Continue Reading Shady Grove Anniversary

Chosen Foods

Kugel. Challah. Blintz. Lox. For many students, these words aren’t even part of their vocabulary, much less their diet. They certainly weren’t for the fellows at the Imaging Research Center. But in spring 2010, they left behind campus grub for the world of Jewish food. The results of their endeavor are now featured in “Chosen Food: Cuisine, Culture and American Jewish Identity,” an exhibit at the Jewish Museum of Maryland that runs through next fall. “I wanted the fellows to work on a project that would have a public impact and show off what they could do technologically, but also… Continue Reading Chosen Foods

Retriever Learning Center

Retriever Learning Center This year, the real party is in the library. On any given day, the Retriever Learning Center is packed. Students puzzle out problems on giant white boards. They snack and study. Or they order up pens, pencils and sticky notes from the academic “vending machine.” After just a month, the Retriever Learning Center (RLC) feels like it’s always been a part of campus. It opened in August on the first floor of the Albin O. Kuhn Library. And students, faculty, staff and alumni officially celebrated its opening at a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 19. The space… Continue Reading Retriever Learning Center

UMBC and Its Cyberdawgs Tackle a New Challenge

UMBC and Its Cyberdawgs Tackle a New Challenge Podcast Powered By Podbean Click here if podcast doesn’t play There’s no question that cybersecurity is a booming field. In Maryland, the state and federal government have made significant investments, and the number of companies working in the field is growing rapidly. For example, the bwtech@UMBC Research and Technology Park, which housed six cybersecurity companies in March, has added seventeen companies since then. For Max Spector, a senior at UMBC, competing with the university’s Cyberdawgs is a savvy move to prepare for those career opportunities. But computer security is also in his… Continue Reading UMBC and Its Cyberdawgs Tackle a New Challenge

Retriever Fever is Spreading

Retriever Fever is Spreading Each year, Retriever Fever begins with a simple spark. Around dusk, a crowd gathers on Erickson Field to light the annual bonfire – a towering spectacle signifying not just the start of UMBC’s Homecoming, but the energy of a collective college experience. Still relatively young (UMBC celebrates its 45th year this fall), the university is in the process of building traditions like the bonfire.  Add in a Homecoming weekend chock full of athletic events, picnics, performances and reminiscing, and it’s easy to see why students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends come together to celebrate UMBC.… Continue Reading Retriever Fever is Spreading

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