Policy & Society

Dennis Coates, Economics, in Bloomberg Businessweek

A new Bloomberg Businessweek article sheds light on tax subsidies that benefit college athletic programs, including hundreds of millions in funding for stadium construction and sports departments’ exemptions from taxes on ticket, television and other income generated by their stadiums. UMBC’s Dennis Coates, professor of economics, argues that college sports may not be the best use of tax exemptions. “When one thinks of charity, they don’t think of charity flowing to the head football coach of a big state university.” Questioning municipal  financing for stadiums Coates notes, “Using the borrowing power of the state and tax-exempt interest to build stadiums… Continue Reading Dennis Coates, Economics, in Bloomberg Businessweek

Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, in Capital News Service Article

In the wake of Maryland’s recent vote to expand gambling locations and allow table games, Capital News Service asked Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, if sports gambling is in the state’s future. “It’s always possible that somebody could pursue it,” Norris said, “I just can’t foresee that happening.” Norris further commented, “I’m willing to guess that the current governor is so fed up with the gambling issue that I’m sure he will not support anything.” To move sports betting forward, he suggests, there would have to be more active support for such legislation… Continue Reading Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, in Capital News Service Article

Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, in the Windsor Star

Canadian newspaper The Windsor Star has featured new research from UMBC’s Eric Zeemering, assistant professor of public policy, on how government and NGOs in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan form cross-border cooperative relationships to promote economic development and create sustainable communities (see full article in the Journal of Urban Affairs). Zeemering told reporter Dave Hall that although there are great opportunities for collaboration between Windsor and Detroit, the international border often serves to keep the communities apart and “there needs to be a concerted effort to forge those relationships.” Zeemering notes, “The danger in creating cross-border relationships at the political level… Continue Reading Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, in the Windsor Star

Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 39th Book

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school and associate professor of psychology, has published a new volume of poetry, “The Inventor as Observer.” In his review, Richard M. Berlin writes: “In his 39th book, Robert Deluty continues his long record as the contemporary poet whose work is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud one minute and bring tears to my eyes the next.  His craft has evolved to what seems like an effortless level of mastery in poems filled with sly observations, surprise, word play, and his trademark warmth and wit.  Who else could write a book that… Continue Reading Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 39th Book

“Curious Behavior” Named a “Best Book of 2012”

Library Journal has named Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond by Robert Provine, professor of psychology, as one of the best books of 2012. In the publication’s original review of the book, the reviewer said that the book ” is a delectable presentation for all who love the territory between pop and hardcore science writing.”

Hillol Kargupta, Professor of Computer Science, Wins 2012 10-Year ICDM Highest-Impact Paper Award

Hillol Kargupta, professor of computer science, is the winner of the 2012 10-Year ICDM Highest-Impact Paper Award for the ICDM 2003 paper on “On the Privacy Preserving Properties of Random Data Perturbation Techniques.” Researchers, Souptik Datta (UMBC), Qi Wang (Washington State University), and Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar (Washington State University), were also authors on the paper. ICDM is the premier international conference on data mining (with an acceptance ratio of approx. 8-12% in the last ten years). The 10-Year ICDM Highest-Impact Paper Award is awarded every year since 2010. The first ICDM was held in 2001.

Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, in “Artcritical”

Ellen Handler Spitz, honors college professor of visual arts, recently reviewed the art show The Event of a Thread by Ann Hamilton, which runs through January 6 at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City, for the online magazine Artcritical. Spitz says that “The Gothic Revival Park Avenue Armory… provides a perfect venue for Hamilton’s swings, her 42 pigeons in miniature, stacked dovecotes, and the immense white silken fabric that billows from on high, responsively rising and falling according to the visitors’ velocities as they sway on their swings, pushed often by perfect strangers.” Relating the exhibition to its… Continue Reading Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, in “Artcritical”

Josiah Dykstra, Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, Wins Award for Best Case Study

Josiah Dykstra, a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, won the Outstanding Case Study Award for 2012 of the The American Academy of Forensic Sciences, based on his presentation of a paper by Dykstra and his advisor Alan Sherman, published in the Journal of Network Forensics. Dykstra will accept the award in February at the Academy’s annual meeting.

Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, on the “Marc Steiner Show”

Ellen Handler Spitz, honors college professor of visual arts, was a guest on the “Marc Steiner Show” on Tuesday, December 18, to discuss children’s literature, the best children’s literature of the year, and books that make good gifts.  Spitz was joined by Deborah Taylor, School and Student Services Coordinator for the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and JoAnn Fruchtman, owner of The Children’s Bookstore in Roland Park. Spitz spoke to the bond that books can create between a parents and a child.  Because children cannot read when they are very young, the experience of books must be shared with an adult,… Continue Reading Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, on the “Marc Steiner Show”

Craig Saper, LLC, Named Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship

Craig Saper, professor and chair of Language, Literacy, and Culture (LLC), has been named the Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship. “Dr. Saper is a scholar of large achievement and great energy, whose talents and interests make him a superb choice for the Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship,” said John Jeffries, dean of the college of arts, humanities, and social sciences (CAHSS). The Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship was established by The Herbert Bearman Foundation to acknowledge and honor the contributions of Dr. Arlene Bearman to the UMBC community. This chair recognizes and supports outstanding teaching skills, an interest in entrepreneurship,… Continue Reading Craig Saper, LLC, Named Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship

David Clurman, Assistant Director of Residential Education, Receives Distinguished Service Award

David Clurman, Assistant Director of Residential Education, was awarded the James Hurd Distinguished Service Award by the Mid-Atlantic Association of College and University Housing Officers (MACUHO). David’s active involvement in MACUHO began in 1998 and since that time he served 10 years on the executive board, including as president in 2009 and as the host co-chair of this year’s conference that was held in downtown Baltimore.

Timothy J. Brennan, Public Policy, to Receive Distinguished Service Award

Timothy J. Brennan, professor of public policy, has been named 2013 recipient of Public Utility Research Center (PURC) Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the understanding of regulatory economics and finance. The Award recognizes the cumulative impact of an individual’s research and policy analyses on both the academic community and regulatory policymakers. Brennan will receive the award as he speaks on utility regulation at the Annual PURC Conference on February 13, 2013 at the University of Florida. In addition, Brennan will co-direct the spring 2013 Center for Research in Regulated Industries’ Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics in Dublin,… Continue Reading Timothy J. Brennan, Public Policy, to Receive Distinguished Service Award

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