Policy & Society

Rebecca Boehling, History, in the Associated Press

News of Rebecca Boehling’s appointment as director of the International Tracing Service (ITS) was been picked up on The Associated Press‘ wire service. The ITS serves victims of Nazi persecutions and their families by documenting their fate through the archives it manages. Here’s a sampling of outlets that ran the piece: The Washington Post – “US university professor to head Holocaust-era archive in Germany” CBS Local – “UMBC Professor to Head Holocaust Archive” WJTV Jackson – “US university professor to head Holocaust archive” Arizona Daily Star – “Around the world: US professor to head Holocaust-era archive” The Missoulian – “US university… Continue Reading Rebecca Boehling, History, in the Associated Press

Nicole King, American Studies, in the Baltimore Sun

Nicole King, assistant professor of American studies, learned the dangers of texting while walkinghard way according to the story “Texting while walking emerging as possible danger for pedestrians, drivers,” which appeared in the Baltimore Sun on May 29. While spending a night out-of-town for a wedding, King was typing out a message to friends when the combination of a bench and gravity came together for a less-than-ideal outcome. “My face hit the bench on the way down,” King told the Sun, with the results including stitches and a black eye. Despite such a hard lesson, King remains a “pedtextrian,” stating that despite the experience,… Continue Reading Nicole King, American Studies, in the Baltimore Sun

George Derek Musgrove Joins History Faculty

The Department of History is pleased to announce the addition of alumnus George Derek Musgrove to its faculty, beginning this fall. Musgrove attended UMBC from 1993-1997, obtaining a B.A. in history. He then proceeded to obtain the 2003-2004 Anne E. Plato predoctoral fellowship at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, the 2007-2008 postdoctoral fellowship in the Center for African American Urban Studies and the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, and his Ph.D. in U.S. History at New York University in 2005. He is the author of Rumor, Repression, and Racial Politics: How Harassment of Black Elected Officials Shaped Post-Civil Rights America (University… Continue Reading George Derek Musgrove Joins History Faculty

Rebecca Boehling, History, Named Director of the International Tracing Service

Rebecca Boehling, professor of history and director of the Dresher Center for the Humanities, has been named the next Director of the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen, Germany. The ITS serves victims of Nazi persecutions and their families by documenting their fate through the archives it manages. Boehling was appointed unanimously by the eleven-member state International Commission, which supervises the work of the ITS, at its annual meeting in Paris last week. She will take a leave of absence from UMBC and begin her directorship on January 1, 2013. Boehling is an expert in the history of the… Continue Reading Rebecca Boehling, History, Named Director of the International Tracing Service

Tom Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

In his May 29 column for The Baltimore Sun entitled “Markets are less competitive than you think”, UMBC political science professor Tom Schaller answered critics of his previous column, which pondered as to why so many tolerate the inefficiencies of market-oriented entities as compared to governmental ones. Tackling in particular the assertion that consumers have the choice of taking their business elsewhere in the private sector in contrast to dealing with the supposed monopoly of governments, Schaller noted that things are not so simple when taking into account the forms of competition within government at the state and local levels.… Continue Reading Tom Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

Deborah Rudacille Joins English Faculty

The Department of English is pleased to announce that Deborah Rudacille, will join the department as a visiting professor of the practice this fall. A 1998 science writing graduate of Johns Hopkins University’s Writing Seminars program, Rudacille has been published in various local and national magazines, as well as authoring three books: The Scalpel and the Butterfly: The War Between Animal Research and Animal Protection (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2000), The Riddle of Gender: Science, Activism and Transgender Rights (Pantheon, 2005), and most recently Roots of Steel: Boom and Bust in an American Mill Town  (Pantheon, 2010), a work of history whose subject… Continue Reading Deborah Rudacille Joins English Faculty

Michelle Wong ’13, Financial Economics, in the Baltimore Sun

On Sunday, 88 students from local universities embarked on a cross-country bike trip as part of the 4K for Cancer program run by the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. Among this year’s participants was Michelle Wong ’13, financial economics, who said that she is riding in memory of her mother Natalie, and to support of her grandmothers Ethel On and Vernan Wong, who are currently fighting their own battles with the disease. The Baltimore Sun covered the program in a May 27 story entitled “UMBC senior joins cross-country ride for cancer victims.” “I think it builds everyone’s passion,” said… Continue Reading Michelle Wong ’13, Financial Economics, in the Baltimore Sun

Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, in the Baltimore Sun

Marc Olano, associate professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and director of the Computer Science BS in Game Development Track, was quoted in a Baltimore Sun story on the closing of the Timonium-based video game company Big Huge Games. The story, “Timonium video game maker closes, lays off 100,” appeared on May 25. The 12-year-old company of 107 employees was shuttered last week as a result of its parent company, Providence, RI’s 38 Studios, closing down due to its own mounting debts. The loss of Big Huge Games to the Maryland video game industry is significant, as the company… Continue Reading Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, in the Baltimore Sun

Laura Hussey, Political Science, in the Gazette

Laura Hussey, assistant professor of political science, is quoted in a recent Gazette story regarding Governor Martin O’Malley and his political future. The article focuses on O’Malley’s ongoing second chairmanship of the Democratic Governors Association, where he has been able to build potential support and create links with potential contributors for higher office. Hussey offers contrary opinion as to any negative effect which the recent state budget debacle might have on the governor’s fortunes, as voters “tend to have short memories” and criticism in nationally-read conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal could help in raising O’Malley’s profile across the country for… Continue Reading Laura Hussey, Political Science, in the Gazette

Kevin Kallaugher, Artist-in-Residence, in Financiarul

Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, UMBC artist-in-residence and cartoonist for The Economist and The Baltimore Sun, is exhibiting his work at the National Museum of Contemporary Arts in Bucharest, and was co-organized with the U.S. Embassy in Romania. The exhibit opened May 15. The exhibit was covered by Financiarul on May 17, with the newspaper writing that it portrays “a wide range of themes, including American symbols, the fight against terror, the American economy and big corporations, the US in a world context as well as American political leaders.” The English-language version of the article can be found here.

William LaCourse, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, in the Baltimore Business Journal

William LaCourse, Interim Dean of the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, was in last Friday’s Baltimore Business Journal. The section of the story, titled STEM programs try to build the workforce of the future, on LaCourse and UMBC focused on the creation of the Chemistry Discovery Center. “LaCourse and his colleagues developed the Chemistry Discovery Center, an adjunct to the traditional introductory chemistry lecture course. At weekly, two-hour sessions students are randomly paired into teams to solve problems. Each student rotates through roles of supervisor, recordkeeper, data collector and result disseminator. Instructors answer questions but they don’t lecture. The… Continue Reading William LaCourse, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, in the Baltimore Business Journal

Shawn Bediako, Psychology, Named to Advisory Board of the Center for the History of Psychology

Shawn Bediako, associate professor of psychology, has been named to the advisory board of the Center for the History of Psychology (CHP).  The CHP, which is located at The University of Akron, provides access to and interprets the historical record of psychology and related human sciences.  It is home to a museum of psychology and the Archives of the History of American Psychology. “I’ve always had an interest in the history of psychology,” said Bediako. “I use my interest in history to balance out the rigors of doing research.” Bediako came to the center’s attention in 2008, when he planned… Continue Reading Shawn Bediako, Psychology, Named to Advisory Board of the Center for the History of Psychology

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