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Anastasia Samoylova: FloodZone

Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery

FloodZone, featuring photography by Anastasia Samoylova, explores what it looks like to live in the southern United States at a time when rising sea levels and hurricanes threaten the most prized locations with storm surges and coastal erosion. Samoylova’s lyrical photographs are deceptive, drawing us in with a seemingly documentary promise of a palm-treed paradise. Their alluring color palette — filled with lush greens, azure blues, and pastel pinks — gives way to minute details that reveal decaying infrastructure, encroaching flora, and displaced fauna.

Amy Williams: Morton Feldman’s Triadic Memories

Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall, Catonsville

By the early 1980s, American composer Morton Feldman (1926–1987) began to create works of unusually long duration, featuring intricate interplays of pitches and patterns that slowly unfold (and sometimes suddenly change) over time. Among these works is the evening-length solo piano composition Triadic Memories (1981), performed in this concert by distinguished pianist and composer Amy Williams.