
Journal of  Musical Anthropology of the  Mediterranean

Founder Tullia Magrini

Number  11 (2006) 

Martin Stokes
         Special Issue Introduction

Ozan E. Aksoy
         The Politicization of Kurdish Folk Songs �in Turkey in the 1990s
�yk� Potuoğlu-Cook
Sweat, Power, and Art: Situating Belly Dancers and Musicians in Contemporary Istanbul
Sonia Tamar Seeman
Presenting “Gypsy“, Re-Presenting Roman: Towards an
Archeology of Aesthetic Production and Social Identity
Sehvar Besiroglu
Review of  Eyhok: Traditional Music from Hakkari Muz�ka Gel�r�
ya Hekariy�, Book and 2 CDs

Number  10 (2005) 

Franco Fabbri
         Musical life in Tilos
Gail Holst-Warhaft
Re-evaluating the Nisiotika
Pavlos Kavouras
Ethnographies of dialogical singing, dialogical ethnography
Number  9 (2004) 
Giuliana Fugazzotto

A Musical Journey Around Sicily

Judith Cohen, Esperan�a Bonet Roig and Manel Frau
         Report and Projects: Music in the Balearic and Pityusan Islands
Josko Caleta
Visual notes on music and dance in the Croatian islands
Tullia Magrini
Review of Tenores. Suoni di un'isola 1, cd-rom
Number  8 (2003)
M�nir Nurettin Beken
Aesthetics and Artistic Criticism at the Turkish Gazino
Ted Swedenburg
Musical Interzones: The Middle East and Beyond
Ben Brinner
Beyond Israelis vs. Palestinians or Jews vs. Arabs: The Social Ramifications of Musical Interaction
Alessandra Ciucci
Review of Anthologie de la Musique Marocaine, 30 Cds
Gabriel Skoog
 Review of 26 Turkish Beat, Psych & Garage Delights: Ultrararities from Beyond the Sea of Marmara, Cd
Number  7 (2002) 
Ruth Davis
Al-Andalus in Tunis: sketches of the Ma'luf in the 1990s
Deborah Kapchan
Possessing Gnawa Culture: Displaying Sound, Creating History in an Unofficial Museum
Edwin Seroussi
"Mediterraneanism" in Israeli music: an idea and its permutations

Martin Stokes

Review of La Simsimiyya de Port-Said, Cd
Issa Boulos

Review of Traditional Music and Songs from Palestine, Cd

Number  6 (2001)
Caroline Bithell
Telling a Tree by its Blossom: Aspects of the Evolution of Musical Activity in Corsica and the Notion of a Traditional Music of the Twenty-First Century
Josko Caleta
Trends and Processes in the Music Culture of the Dalmatian Hinterland
Franco Fabbri
Nowhere Land:
The Construction of a 'Mediterranean' Identity in Italian Popular Music
Michael G. Kaloyanides
Review of Yiorgos Tzimakis, CD
Review of Vocal Music in Crete, CD
Sehvar Besiroglu
Review of Women of Istanbul, CD
Number 5 (2000)
Gail Holst
Amanes: The Legacy of the Oriental Mother
Philip Ciantar
From the Bar to the Stage: Socio-musical Processes in the Maltese Spirtu Pront
Gabriele Marranci
A Complex Identity and Its Musical Representation:
Beurs and Ra� Music in Paris
Josep Marti

Review of Antologia del cant valenci� d'estil (1915-1996), CDs
Review of Algemes�. Danses de la process�, CD

Number 4 (1999)
Tony Langlois
Heard but not seen: music among the Aissawa women of Oujda, Morocco
Antonio Baldassarre 
With the daughters of the Houara (Morocco): from fieldwork to World Music
Marie Virolle
The role of women in Ra� music
Roberto F. Catalano
Review of Italian Treasury. The Alan Lomax Collection, CDs
Placida Staro
Review of Bonasera a quista casa. "Gli Ucci": pizziche, stornelli, and songs from the Salento region, CD
Number 3 (1998)
Tullia Magrini
Women's "work of pain" in Christian Mediterranean Europe
Karin van Nieuwkerk
"An hour for God and an hour for the heart": Islam, gender and female entertainment in Egypt
Edwin Seroussi
De-gendering Jewish music: the survival of the Judeo-Spanish folk song revisited
Philip Bohlman
The Shechinah, or the feminine sacred in the musics of the Jewish Mediterranean
Francesco Spagnolo
Review of Gepriesen und geheiligt sei ER inmitten Jerusalems, CD
Number 2 (1997)
Nico Staiti
The Roma Khorakhan� as cultural mediators: nuptial rites and music
Donatella Restani
Music and Myth in Ancient Greece
Joaquina Labajo
Musical ethnography under Spanish colonial power in the modern age
Philip Schuyler
Review of Gnawa Leila, 5 CDs

Number 1 (1996)


Bruno Nettl
Relating the present to the past: thoughts on the study of musical change and culture change in ethnomusicology

Martin Stokes
History, memory and nostalgia in contemporary Turkish musicology
Iain Fenlon
Music, Ceremony and Self-Identity in Renaissance Venice
Giuseppina Colicci
Dissertation Abstract: Invocation in a fishermen's festival for the Madonna del Lume: San Diego, California and Porticello, Italy, PhD diss., University of California Los Angeles, 1996

� 1996 Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo dell'Universit� di Bologna, Via Barberia , 4
40123 Bologna, Italy. All rights reserved.
� 2004 Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi per l'Istruzione Musicale Superiore,
Palazzo Giustinian Lolin, S. Vidal 2893,
30124 Venezia, Italy.
All rights reserved.

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