Diane Alonso, Ph.D.
Program Director, Principal Lecturer
Special Assistant to the Vice Provost for UMBC at USG Academic Innovation
Department: Psychology
Phone: 443-612-1318
Email: dalonso@umbc.edu
Office: Building III, Room 4145
Research Areas: Child and Adolescent Development
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC
Diane Alonso, Ph.D., serves as the UMBC Psychology Department’s Program Director at the Universities at Shady Grove. She started the undergraduate program at the Center in 2004 and the Graduate I/O Psychology program in 2007. Diane is a lifetime Maryland resident and received her undergraduate degree (B.S.) in Computer Science and her graduate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP). With a background in Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors/Usability, Diane has over 10 years experience working in the industry both for IBM’s Federal Systems Division and for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)’s Health and Human Services Division. While employed at CSC, Diane performed usability work for clients such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of Education, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She also created and led a successful training program for new software implemented for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (MMCS).
In addition to her vocation, Diane’s avocation is musical theater. For over 15 years she performed locally in community and professional theaters in the D.C. and surrounding metro areas. In 1992, during a production of an original version of the “Phantom of the Opera” at Toby’s Dinner Theater in Columbia, Maryland, Diane met her future husband, Tom Alonso, the very talented composer of the commissioned production. They were married a year later and now have two beautiful daughters.
View Dr. Alonso’s profile on UMBC Psychology Departmental web site.
Dr. Donald Knight
Department: Psychology
Phone: 301-738-6221
Email: dknigh1@umbc.edu
Office: Bldg. III, Room 4149
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 211 (The Science and Profession of Psychology), PSYC 309 (Psychology: Exploration of the Discipline and Careers), PSYC 320 (Psychological Assessments), PSYC 345 (Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy)
View Dr. Knights profile on UMBC Psychology Departmental web site.
Dr. Shariece Evans
Department: Psychology
Phone: 240-665-6476
Email: shariece.evans@umbc.edu
Office: Building III, Room 4143
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 309 (Psychology: Exploration of the Discipline and Careers),
PSYC 311 (Research Methods in Psychology I), PSYC 312 (Research Methods in Psychology II)
Dr. David Banks
Email: drbanks@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 387 (Community Psychology) and PSYC 441 (Social/Health Psychology)
Research Areas: Family and community violence, personalized health, and public health.
Dr. Robin Goldstein
Email: go@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 304 (Adolescent Psychology), PSYC 308 (Child Maltreatment), PSYC 382 (Child and Adolescent Psychopathology), PSYC 407 (Advanced Child Psychology), PSYC 409 (Development and Education)
Research Areas: Child and Adolescent Development
Dr. Donald Knight
Email: dknigh1@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 211 (The Science and Profession of Psychology), PSYC 309 (Psychology: Exploration of the Discipline and Careers), PSYC 320 (Psychological Assessments), PSYC 345 (Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy)
Dr. Emily Lichvar
Email: elichvar@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 306 (Lifespan Human Development) and PSYC 307 (The Psychology of Aging)
Research Areas: Addiction and substance abuse in the areas of prevention, treatment, and integrating systems of care for adolescents and families; Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adolescence
Edward Rudow
Email: erudow@aol.com
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 320 (Assessment), PSYC 324 (Interviewing), PSYC 346 (Industrial/Organizational), PSYC 360 (Motivation), PSYC 380 (Personality), PSYC 393 (Diversity in the Workplace), PSYC 393 (Consumer Behavior)
Research Areas: Employee Attitude Assessment
Dr. Nina L. Tarner
Email: tarner@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Courses: PSYC 210 (Psychology of Learning), PSYC 335 (Physiological Psychology), PSYC 357 (Psychology of Women), PSYC 370 (Sensation & Perception), PSYC 385 (Health,Psychology), PSYC 393 (Abnormal Psychology in Film), PSYC 463 (Eating: Normal and Abnormal)
Research Areas: Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Animal Learning