A special feature of Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC 2013 is that the conference, including the workshop, is open to all statistics graduate students
from UMBC and local universites free of charge; however, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! The deadline to register is Friday,
April 12, 2013. // REGISTER NOW
For more information, contact any member of the organizing committee:
Bimal Sinha
Conference Chair
Kofi Adragni
Yvonne Huang
Yaakov Malinovsky
Thomas Mathew
Nagaraj Neerchal
DoHwan Park
Junyong Park
Anindya Roy
Elizabeth Stanwyck
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMBC will hold the 7th Annual Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC during April 26–27, 2013. The event is funded by the National Security Agency and will consist of a half-day workshop on Friday afternoon and a full day conference on Saturday. Probability and Statistics Day 2013 is open to statisticians from all local universities, government agencies, and private industries.
Jerry Reiter
Duke University
Multiple Imputation – Theory and Applications
Nathaniel Schenker
National Center for Health Statistics
Multiple Uses of (Mostly Multiple) Imputation at the National Center for Health Statistics
Dennis Cook
University of Minnesota
Envelope Models and Methods
Karen Kafadar
Indiana University
Statistical Issues in Evaluating Randomized Cancer Screening Trials: To Screen or Not to Screen?
Carlos A. Coelho
New University of Lisbon, Portugal
The Likelihood Ratio Test for Block-Circularity of the Covariance Matrix – Developing Near-Exact Distributions for the Test Statistic
Takeaki Kariya
Meiji University, Japan
Measuring Credit Risk of Individual Corporate Bonds and Deriving Term Structures of Default Probabilities
Guido Knapp
Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Advanced Meta-Analysis Methods
Bikas Sinha
Indian Statistical Institute [retired], India
Statistical Assessment of Agreement: An Application of Cohen’s Kappa in the Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy