Dr. Marc Olano
Office/lab hours: ENG 005a; TuTh 2:30-3:30
Prerequisite: CMSC 435/634 or consent of instructor
Text: Real-Time Rendering, Tomas
Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines and Naty Hoffman, AK Peters
2008. Recommended.
papers will be handed out or made
available for download throughout the semester.
Advanced image synthesis including graphics pipelines, shading, texturing, illumination, anti-aliasing, perception, image accuracy, image-based rendering, and non-photorealistic rendering. Through readings in the text and papers, students will learn classic and new techniques in computer graphics. Students will be lead through all phases of graphics research, development, dissemination, review and presentation in their final project, with certain phases repeated and reinforced through other class experiences. The assigned projects help students gain graphics development experience. The in-class paper presentations provide practice in technical presentation. The final project includes phases of literature review, idea formation, formal proposal, development, paper-writing, peer review and presentation.
491 | 635 | Description | Date |
10% | 10% | Readings: Read & write questions | Each week |
10% | 10% | Two Paper Presentations | |
• Select Presentations | Feb 3 | ||
• Present | Varies | ||
10% | 10% | Assn 1 | Feb 17 |
10% | 10% | Assn 2 | Mar 10 |
10% | Assn 3 | Mar 31 | |
10% | Assn 4 | Apr 21 | |
10% | Assn 5 | May 11 | |
35% |
Individual Project | ||
• Select Area | Feb 3 | ||
• Annotated Bibliography | Feb 24 | ||
• Initial Proposal | Mar 17 | ||
• Revised Proposal | Mar 31 | ||
• Progress Report | Apr 12/14 | ||
• Project & Paper Complete | May 2 | ||
• Presentation | May 3-12 | ||
5% | • Reviews | May 12 | |
25% | 25% | Final Exam | May 17 |
Assignments are to be submitted electronically by 11:59 PM the day listed. In-class presentations are individually scheduled.
By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook, or the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory [or for graduate courses, the Graduate School web site].
All assignments and exams are expected to be your individual work. You may discuss assignments with anyone, but any code must be your own individual work. These rules are relaxed slightly for the individual project. This project is intended to be representative of a small research project. As such, you may use existing code or libraries for prior work rather than reimplement these yourself, but your own research component must be your own code and clearly identified.
In all cases, any help you receive (excluding course staff, lectures and text) must be documented, including allowed discussions, other texts, papers, web pages, etc. Include a comment at the start of each assignment write-up documenting all sources you used and what you got from each. If you used no outside sources, say so. Failure to include this comment will result in your program being returned ungraded.
Papers are required reading, and should be read before the first date listed below for each topic. Turn in one insightful question about each paper at the beginning of the first class when we cover that topic. Corresponding chapters in the book are optional, but will probably help you to understand the papers.
The schedule listed here may change over the course of the semester. Check the course web page for the latest version. If you think you might like to do a final project on one of the later topics, let me know and I will move that topic earlier in the semester. As a corollary, pick your presentation paper based on your interest, not on where it appears in this schedule.
Unless otherwise noted, due dates are 11:59 PM on Thursday of the week indicated.
Date | Topic | Due |
Jan 27 | Overview; Presenting | |
Feb 1/3 | Ray Tracing | All: Select Presentations & 635:Project Area |
Feb 8/10 | Procedural Shading | |
Feb 15/17 | Graphics Hardware | All: Assn 1 |
Feb 22/24 | Sampling & Antialiasing | 635:Bibliography |
Mar 1/3 | Texturing | |
Mar 8/10 | Shadows | All: Assn 2 |
Mar 15/17 | Volume Rendering | 635:Initial Proposal |
Mar 21/24 | SPRING BREAK | |
Mar 29/31 | Illumination | 491:Assn 3, 635:Revised Proposal |
Apr 5/8 | Global Illumination | |
Apr 12/14 | Progress Reports | 635:Progress Reports |
Apr 19/21 | Surface Effects | 491:Assn 4 |
Apr 26/28 | Texture Synthesis | |
May 3/5 | Project Presentations | 635:Project & Paper Complete (Due Monday) |
May 10/12 | Project Presentations | 491:Assn 5, All:Reviews |
May 17 | Final Exam, 3:30-5:30 |
This syllabus is a snapshot of the class web page ( Important announcements and updates will be made to this page throughout the semester. I will announce at the beginning of class if I make a significant change or addition, and date stamps of the latest several changes will appear on top of the page.
There is also a class email list for announcements and public student questions: Your classmates will get this email, so you should not use the list for private or grade-related comments, but feel free to use it as a means to ask public questions of me or your fellow students. If you are enrolled in the course as of Tuesday, January 25th, you should be pre-subscribed using your address. The list will only accept mail from subscribed addresses. If you are not pre-subscribed or would prefer to send and receive email from another address (can be outside UMBC), let me know and I will change it.
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