Some Activist Web Sites for Women's Issues
Last updated: May 1, 2017

Here are selected web pages that focus primarily on women's-issues activism:
- (Site dedicated to combating negative and distorted images of women.)
Against Rape
- (Information on women in Great Britain, including Black, ethnic minority, immigrant, migrant, and refugee women, who have suffered rape, racist sexual assault, or other forms of violence and harassment. The website combines information from the organizations Black Women's Rape Action Project and Women Against Rape.)
ALAI Mujeres
- (This Spanish-language site of the Latin American Information Agency provides news about women in Latin America, with an emphasis on social activism. Separate sections provide documents about women and globalization, the economy, politics, human rights, communication, and diversity. Small parts of the site are also available in English and Portuguese.)
Amnesty International USA: Violence Against Women
- (This part of the Amnesty International website provides news, action alerts, reports, and other resources for
stopping violence against women around the world.)
Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation
- (The Aurat website describes this Pakistani organization, established in 1986, as "a civil society organisation committed to work for women’s empowerment and citizens’ participation in governance for creating a socially just, democratic and humane society in Pakistan." In addition to information about the foundation, the website includes reports about women's issues, press releases, lists of current and past projects, videos, photos, and more.)
B.a.B.e. (Be Active, Be Emancipated)
- (Bilingual [English/Croatian] activist site dedicated to "the affirmation and implementation of women's human rights," focusing especially on Croatia. Includes good links to related information.)
Bad Jens: An Iranian Feminist Newsletter
- (A "feminist online magazine mainly addressing readers outside Iran. It is hoped to be a step towards improving links between activists/academics inside and outside the country." It features news, announcements, interviews, and articles about life in Iran and relevant activism. Publication began in 2000 on a quarterly basis; there are plans that from now on, Bad Jens will appear monthly, on the 21st of each month [i.e., the 1st of every Iranian month]. The web site includes an archive of back issues.)
- (This site, based in England, "supports gender advocacy and mainstreaming efforts by bridging the gaps between theory, policy, and practice with accessible and diverse gender information." Focusing especially on gender and development, it offers a searchable array of publications in such areas as "Conflicts and Emergencies," "Country Profiles," "Economics," "Governance," "Poverty," and Sectors." Some of its resources are also available in French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Albanian, and/or Chinese.)
Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: A Report on Gender and ICT in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
- (This United Nations report by Lenka Simerska and Katarina Fialova includes an inventory of gender equality projects and resources for the information society in the CEE/CIS region. It also "highlights the need for increased action to address imbalances between women's and men's access to and participation in ICTs" in the region and "emphasizes the powerful potential of ICTs as a vehicle for advancing gender equality." The report is available in .pdf format in both English and Russian; it requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
Canadian Women's Health Network
- (This site, available in both English and French, offers very extensive resources on women's health. A large assortment of relevant topics include not just the usual ones such as ""fitness and nutrition," "menopause and healthy aging," and "pregnancy and motherhood," but also such categories as "gender-based analysis," "health policy," "women in the workplace," and attention to the health issues of aboriginal women, lesbians and bisexual women, and women with disabilities. The site also provides a section called "what's hot in women's health?" and extensive links to related sites. )
CAVNET: Communities Against Violence Network
- (Though not focusing only on women, most of this site's resources do in fact concern women. Among the topics dealt with are gender inequality worldwide; sexual violence on campus; trafficking in women; gays and lesbians; men's efforts to end men's violence against women; and a multi-issue section on violence against women. In addition to resources arranged both by issue and by country/state, there's an up-to-date news/events section, recommended readings, and a searchable Knowledge Base, all of which can be accessed by clicking on "Browse CAVNET.")
CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
- (Part of the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, this site provides information about CEDAW, the U.N. convention that "is often described as an international bill of rights for women. Consisting of a preamble and 30 articles, it defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination." Available here are not just the text of the convention but also its history, country reports, meeting information, and other documentation, some of which is available in several languages.)
Center for Reproductive Rights
- (The Center for Reproductive Rights is an independent, non-profit organization "dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to appropriate and freely chosen reproductive health services." The website provides news coverage of reproductive rights legal issues, information about the status of reproductive rights around the world, fact sheets and other resources, an online newsletter, and more. Sections of the website are devoted to Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and the United States. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, and Arabic as well as English.)
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
- (Website of a non-governmental organization dedicated to combating sexual exploitation, especially prostitution and trafficking in women. Includes publications, statements, testimony, fact sheets, links to related sites, and more.)
Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF)
- (Archives for FEMISA, MATFEM, and ECOFEM lists, and more)
DIANA: International Human Rights Database
- (A collaborative database of electronic materials essential to human rights research.
This part of the database, at the University of Toronto's Law Library, is devoted to Women's
Human Rights. It includes a rich, well-organized set of links for legal research; documents
from governmental and non-governmental organizations; and a bibliography of women's
human rights documents.)
- Digital Opportunity Chanel
- (The mission of the Digital Opportunity Chanel is "to educate a global audience on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for promoting digital opportunity for all..." The site is a portal that highlights news and current trends in ICT for development, as well as issues such as the digital divide and the efforts to tackle it. The site also showcases best practices and provides shared spaces for interested practitioners to network with one another, collaborate on common projects, and campaign for common goals.
Disabled Women's Network (DAWN) - Ontario
- (Canadian organization whose web site includes an annotated bibliography on Violence Against Women with Disabilities [under Publications], a fact sheet, research requests, an extensive set of links to related sites, and more.)
- (Enterprising attorney David H. Greenberg has put together this useful site to help lawyers and non-lawyers alike learn about employment law and other fields of civil rights law. Included are sections on sexual harassment, whistleblowing, and discrimination based on gender/sex, sexual orientation, race, age, disability and more.)
Ecofeminist Resources
- (Danne Polk, an instructor at Villanova University, has put together these valuable resources for a philosophy course on Ecofeminism. Resources include extensive, heavily annotated links to other sites, a bibliography, information about ecofeminist thinkers, and more. Now part of the Philosophy Research Base.)
Education Equality
- (This section of the Feminist Majority website is devoted to information about Title IX, of the 1972 Education Amendments to the Higher Education Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any United States education program. The site explains what is covered by Title IX, what some of the threats to Title IX are, how people can work to protect Title IX and the principles it stands for, and more.)
Emily's List
- (Interactive guide to U.S. Democratic pro-choice women running for office)
ENAWA: European and North American WomenAction
- (ENAWA is "a network of media, ICT, information, and advocacy organizations strengthening and integrating a feminist analysis in the information and media landscape in relation to social movements" around the world. The ENAWA web site offers related news, publications, reports, searchable databases of web sites and information centers, a calendar of events, and more.)
EQUITY ONLINE (WEEA Equity Resource Center)
- (Resources and information about the Women's Educational Equity Act and the WEEA Resource Center. Includes info about Program grantees, educational equity resources, the EDEQUITY email list, links to related sites, and more.)
European Platform of Women Scientists
- (An organization formed "to build a structural link between women scientists and research policy makers. The aim is to introduce a new key strategic actor into the research policy debate by making the voice of women scientists heard." The site offers relevant news, position papers, official publications on women in science, and links to European Union institutions involved in the decision-making process.)
FaithTrust Institute
- (Formerly known as the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, the FaithTrust Institute offers Information and resources focusing on domestic and sexual violence. The Institute describes itself as "an educational resource on abuse and religion," and considerable attention is paid to religious issues, including abuse by members of the clergy.)
- (Articles, news updates, activist alerts, women's organizations and services, interviews, links to other women's issues sites. Notable activist focus.)
- (Web site sponsored by the Feminist Majority to provide tools and resources students need to become involved in pro-choice activism on campus. Claims to be "the world's largest pro-choice campus network." Includes news, calendar of events, job/internship opportunities, activist information and resources, and more.)
Feminist Majority Foundation Online
- (Excellent collection of online resources and information about/for women.)
Feminist Utopia
- (Colleen McEneany's site of feminist and activist resources. In addition to the widely available resources on women's health, history, and political concerns, the site also includes cartoons, listings of activist books and recommended reading, activist shopping sites, feminist quotations and definitions, and more.)
FGM Education and Networking Project
- (Marianne Sarkis' site offers extensive resources for research, teaching, and activism regarding female genital mutilation, including a bibliography, information about films, legislation, health concerns, religious issues, e-mail lists, and more. Some attention also to male circumcision.)
Gender & Diversities Institute
- (An institute "dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and communities, especially women and girls, through innovative, gender-healthy approaches to life-long learning." It focuses on "developing gender-healthy education and schools; technology and gender; the elimination of all forms of gendered violence; improving economic self-sufficiency for both women and men; and developing a deeper understanding of the multiple ways to define femininity and masculinity" and offers projects and resources that further those goals.)
Gender at Work
- (The web site describes Gender at Work as "a transnational network of individuals and organizations which works to end discrimination against women and advance cultures of equality." Among the free resources offered are articles, books, videos, and recommendations. The organization also provides consultants, whose expertise is described on the web site.)
Gender Issues: Women's Participation in the Sciences Has Increased, but Agencies Need to Do More to Ensure Compliance with Title IX
- (A report released in July 2004 by the U. S. Government Accountability Office that looks at how four U.S. federal science agencies--The National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Departments of Education and of Energy--make sure that their grantees comply with Title IX (Title IX was enacted by Congress in 1972 to bar gender discrimination in "any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance"). The report also includes data on the progress of women in math, science, and engineering. The report is in pdf format, which requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- (An international portal developed by the Association for Progressive Communications "to broaden awareness of gender and ICTs [information and communication technologies] and to offer a practical tool for ICT advocates, especially women's organisations and movements, to ensure that ICT policy meets their needs and does not infringe on their rights." It offers extensive, searchable resources, papers, and articles on gender and ICT policy issues around the world. Among the gender and ICT policy issues featured are economic empowerment, education, health, violence against women, communication rights, universal access, cultural diversity and language, governance, and more. The site also tries to explain and demystify the jargon often used in discussions of ICT policy and technical issues.)
Gender Law and Policy
- (Prof. Paisley Currah's page provides information and resources for passing laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression. It contains an up-to-date listing of relevant US laws, news coverage, resources concerning legal issues affecting transgendered and gender-variant people in the US, and more. Intended for activists, policymakers, and academics.)
Gender-Related Electronic Forums: Activism
- (Annotated, frequently-updated listing of women- and gender-related email discussion forums focusing on activism.)
Global Fund for Women
- (International organization that provides grants for women's rights groups outside the United States to improve women's human rights in such areas as health, reproductive rights, economic independence, access to education, conflict resolution, peace-building, and political participation. In addition to information about the organization's activities, the web site offers publications and resources and useful links to related sites.)
Global Reproductive Health Forum
- (Subtitled "health, rights and gender at harvard university," this site offers working papers and other information about such issues as Gender, Reproductive Rights, HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases/RTI, Contraception, Abortion, Population and Family Planning, Maternal Health, and the South Asia Project, concerned with gender and women's health in South Asia. Some parts also available in Spanish.)
- (An organization created in September 2004 by a group of highly accomplished, influential American women in their 60s who are concerned about their grandchildren's future. Their aim is to use the political power of the vote to make a difference and to give their grandchildren "a safe, sane, and thriving America.")
- (According to the web site, GuerrillaGirlsBroadBand [GGBB] was "formed in 1999 to tackle the primordial discrimination of our technological world. Our mission is to combat sexism, racism and social injustice in the art world and beyond through electronic and other means." The GGBB web site offers good links to cyberfeminist and other relevant sites; bios of some notable women; posters; activist streaming video; letters to send anonymously to a politically clueless boss; a "participatory exploration of fashion and feminism," and more. The web site claims that GGBB is one of Guerrilla Girls' three wings. One of the other wings--GuerrillaGirls On Tour--makes a supporting statement, but the third--GuerrillaGirls--disavows any affiliation with the others. All three sites offer useful resources.)
Human Rights & Women's Rights
- (Towson University librarian Sara Nixon has created this very useful collection of information and resources concerning human rights and women's rights. The collection is divided into six sections: General, Country & Regional, Women's Rights, Issues, Treaties & Legal Documents, and Handouts. The sections include information about both hard-copy resources available in the library and electronic resources available on the Web.)
The Independent Women's Forum
- (A look at women's issues from a conservative perspective.)
Institute for Women's Policy Research
- (An independent, non-profit, scientific research organization that conducts and disseminates research on women's policy issues.)
Isis International - Manila
- (Isis International is a feminist NGO [non-governmental organization] dedicated to women's information and communication needs. The Manila-based branch focuses on issues advancing women's rights, leadership, and empowerment in Asia and the Pacific. The site provides reports, news and announcements, information about online and offline resources, and links to relevant sites. It is also the home of the online publication Women in Action.)
Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
- (Karamah focuses on domestic and global issues of human rights for Muslims, with particular emphasis on Muslim women. The site offers legal news, information about civil rights projects, online and print publications, and more.)
Kate's Feminism Page
- (In addition to a very good collection of general links, Kate Orman's Australian site has separate sections devoted to domestic violence and to female and male rape.)
Legal Momentum
- (The Legal Momentum site offers information and resources concerning legal and policy aspects of issues such as Child Care, Federalism, Immigrant Women, Violence Against Women, Welfare and Poverty, Women's Human Rights, Workplace Issues, and Gender Equity in Education, as well as information about the National Judicial Education Program. Legal Momentum was formerly known as the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. it claims to be the nation's oldest women's legal rights organization.)
MAP (Movement Advancement Project
- (MAP's mission is "to provide independent and rigorous research, insight, and analysis that helps speed full equality for LGBT people." Among the site's many useful resources are a color-coded Non-Discrimination Map of the USA with information about non-discrimination laws affecting the LGBT community. Separate sections deal with laws in employment, housing, public accommodations, credit, and state employees. A separate map exists for Equality Policies state by state, including sexual orientation and gender identity. The site also offers suggestions for activism.)
Media Portrayals of Girls and Women
- (This bi-lingual [English/French] Canadian site "provides a snapshot of the issues around the media's portrayal of women and girls -- from effects on body image and self-identity to ramifications in sports and politics. It looks at the economic interests behind the objectification and eroticization of females by the media as well as efforts to counter negative stereotyping." Also included on the site are sections dealing with men and masculinity and resources for parents and for teachers. From Canada's non-profit Media Awareness Network.)
The Misinformation Clearinghouse
- (The National Council for Research on Women's website has added this section to call attention to the fact that "over the past few years, vital data has been deleted, buried, distorted, or has otherwise gone missing from government websites and publications." Included on the site is a downloadable NCRW report entitled MISSING: Information About Women's Lives, which documents how these changes and exclusions affect women's lives. Also included is a "Misinformation Blog" that updates and adds to the report, and a Resource Exchange--links to sites where accurate information about women's and girls' lives can be found. The site provides an opportunity for readers to submit information.)
Mujeres en Red: el periódico feminista
- (An interesting Spanish-language site that describes itself as "el portal de género en Internet." It covers a vast array of feminist issues, among them Comunicación, Cultura, Economía, Empoderamiento, Globalización, Igualdad, Lenguaje, Política, Salud, Sociedad de la Información, Tecnología, Violencia de género, and a lot more.)
NARAL Pro-Choice America
- Information and news about reproductive rights and health issues, legislative initiatives and alerts, campus organizing, and NARAL.)
National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families
- (This nonprofit, nonpartisan organization's web site provides news and information about policy research on such issues as social security, breast implants, breast cancer, poverty and welfare, violence, women's health, children's health, and work and family. It invites researchers in these fields to tell the Center about their work, which the Center will then try to make more widely available.)
National Organization for Women (NOW)
- (News, legislative updates, action alerts, links to key issues, and info about NOW.)
National Partnership for Women and Families
- (Formerly the Women's Legal Defense Fund, the National Partnership now focuses on Health Care and on Work and Family issues. The new website offers resources in both these areas.)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
- (A clearinghouse of information [reports, news, statistics, state and national organizations, federal agencies, legal and medical resources, related web sites] about sexual violence and its prevention.)
National Women's Justice Coalition
- (This Australian organization's site offers extensive information about resources relating to promoting women's legal equality and women's justice issues.)
National Women's Law Center
- (Organization whose mission is "to protect and advance the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives." Its informative web site provides news, information, and activist alerts in support of its mission in such categories as Athletics, Child & Family Support, Education, Employment, Health, Social Security, and more.)
NOMORE: Together We Can End Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- (This site offers concise definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault, descriptions of campaigns and activities to combat them, ways to take action, and links to related resources.)
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund - see Legal Momentum, above.
Only Healthy: A Guide to Domestic Abuse Information and Resources on the Web
- (A useful site that offers information about the different kinds of domestic abuse and provides extensive links to related web resources.)
Ontario Women's Justice Network
- (The Ontario Women's Justice Network web site examines various women's justice issues, follows relevant news items, and provides legal information and links to services and resources specifically related to Ontario and Canadian law. Among the specific issues covered are partner abuse, sexual assault, custody and access, child support, mediation, emotional abuse, stalking, equality issues, and sexual harassment.)
On the Issues Magazine: The Progressive Woman's Magazine
- (This is the online successor to the award-winning print publication On the Issues Magazine, a progressive, feminist quarterly that published from 1983-1999. The online content is in much the same vein as the former print publication. In addition to current articles and commentary, the site offers an archive of the print issues.)
Les Pénélopes
- (Website of Les Pénélopes, a French feminist organization. Available in French, English, and Spanish, the site offers news, features, reports, events, portraits, and other resources of interest to feminists internationally.)
Planned Parenthood: Issues and Action
- (A Planned Parenthood site offering information about birth control, abortion, legislative initiatives, activist efforts involving reproductive rights, anti-choice threats to the 1973 Roe v. Wade court decision, a daily blog, and more.)
Polaris Project: Combating Trafficking of Women and Children
- (A site dedicated to combatting the trafficking of women and children worldwide, including the 50,000 trafficked annually in the United States. The site provides information about international trafficking, programs to combat trafficking, news, opportunities to take action, and links to, where one can report cases and search by country or state for trafficking databases.)
Pont des Arts Blog
- (I include very few blogs in these listings, in part because there are better places to find out about blogs and in part because including blogs would make this already large listing excessively large. Every now and then, however, I make an exception. Women-related sci/tech blogs are one such exception, and Pont des Arts is another. Pont des Arts is a Spanish-language blog by Gabriela De Cicco, from Argentina. Updated almost every day, the blog offers interesting observations about the following topics: Activismo, Actualidad, Argentina, Art, Blogosfera, Cultura, Escribir, Feminismo, Lesbianas, Lgbt, Literatura, Mujeres, Musica, y Periodismo. Also included are links to related sites.)
Prostitutes' Education Network
- (An information service about legislative and cultural issues as they affect prostitutes and other sex workers. It includes information for sex workers and activists/educators who study issues of decriminalization, human rights in the context of prostitution, violence against prostitutes and women, sex workers and pornography, as well as current
trends in legislation and social policy in the U.S. and internationally.)
Radical Women
- (Radical Women describes itself as a socialist feminist organization and "the revolutionary wing of the women's movement and a strong feminist voice within the Left." The website includes links to activities and to extensive publications. El sitio incluye una sección con muchos recursos en español.)
RAWA: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
- (Pro-human-rights, anti-fundamentalist activist site.)
RIMA: Red Informativa de Mujeres de Argentina
- (This is the Spanish-language site for the Argentinian Women's Information Network. It includes news, a legal library, information about the RIMA email list, and well over a dozen other sections of information on such topics as Health, Childhood and Adolescence, Sexualities, and Violence, as well as links to related sites.)
Rural Womyn Zone
- (U.S.-based site offers resources and information for/about rural women worldwide. Includes news, political issues, articles, organizations, links, email lists and more.)
Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography
- (Rutgers University law librarian Paul Axel-Lute has compiled this bibliography of books, web sites, and articles from scholarly journals dealing with same-sex marriage. Organized by both topic [including arguments for and against] and geographic area.)
Bernice Sandler's Web Site
- (Celebrated for her pioneering work on such issues as women's educational equity, sexual harassment, the chilly classroom climate, and Title IX, Bernice Sandler has created a web site that provides a wealth of information and resources about these and related topics.)
Search Mothers
- (A portal offering links to information for single, divorced, married, and unmarried mothers. Includes a section on mothers' rights as well as sections on money, working mothers, entrepreneurial mothers, childcare, and more. The site also offers message boards.)
The Second Wave and Beyond
- (The site describes itself as a scholarly community that "brings together feminist thinkers, scholars, and activists, to analyze compelling questions about feminist activism and theories, define new directions for historical research on this period, and provide a new venue for publishing traditional articles but also for writing and recording this history in ways made possible by the medium of online publication." Resources include a discussion forum, chronologies, oral histories, images, reviews, bibliographies, links to related sites, and teaching and research resources.)
Sexual Harassment Information
- (Nancy Wyatt's very useful site provides students, educators, and the general public with information and resources concerning sexual harassment: what it is, what to do if one is harassed, how to avoid behaviors that might be interpreted as harassment, and how to explain sexual harassment to others. The site includes sections on Legal Aspects, General Information, Cases, Related Web Pages, Annotated Bibliography, and more.)
Society for Women's Health Research
- (Includes useful information about issues in women's health care and well-organized statistics and links to related sites.)
Songs About Women's Rights
- (A very useful listing of songs dealing with women's rights, women's issues, and suffragist voting rights. The information provided includes the song's lyrics, composer, date, and more. Moreover, this section is part of a larger listing of Songs About Social Issues that includes about two dozen different issues, such as Capitalism, Discrimination, Great Depression, LGBT, Poverty, and War and Peace. There's also a chronological listing of all the songs, ranging from the 18th century to the 21st, as well as links to other music websites of interest.)
The State of World Population 2000
- (Released in September 2000, this annual report of the United Nations Population Fund documents extensive gender inequality and discrimination against women and girls and discusses the effects of this discrimination on individuals and societies. The report's sections include Gender and Health; Violence Against Women and Girls; Men, Reproductive Rights, and Gender Equality; Counting the Cost of Gender Inequality; Women's Rights are Human Rights; and Working Towards a Better Future. The report includes graphs and charts of key facts and figures, and related links. It is also available in French and Spanish.)
The Status of Women in the States - 2004
- (This report, issued every two years by the Institute for Women's Policy Research, "is designed to inform citizens about the progress of women in their state relative to women in other states, to men, and to the nation as a whole." Topics covered include politics, economics, health, rights, and demographics. Not every state is covered every year. A map indicates which states are covered in the current report. The site also includes a national report, "best & worst," data for all states, and past reports.)
Stop Porn Culture!
- (Sponsored by the feminist, anti-pornography organization Stop Porn Culture, this website offers a FAQ, news, slideshows, links to local chapters, and links to videos, websites, and other resources. A useful resource for people teaching courses on media and/or pornography, and useful too for activists.)
Stop Violence Against Women
- (This site, sponsored by the human rights organization Amnesty International, provides news, action alerts, reports, and other resources for stopping violence against women around the world.)
Tenure Denied: Cases of Sex Discrimination in Academia
- (Research shows that, on average, women in academia earn less, hold lower-ranking positions, and are less likely than their male colleagues to have tenure. The American Association of University Women [AAUW] issued this report in October 2004 detailing the stories of women who took their fight for tenure to the courts. Though there is a charge for the entire report, the web site provides a summary, recommendations for female academics and educational institutions, a press kit, information about additional AAUW resources on tenure issues, and more.)
Title IX
- (This site explains what Title IX is and focuses on ten areas in which Title IX has made a difference.)
- (Web site of the United Nations Development Fund for Women offers resources concerning women's empowerment and gender equity, including such issues as economic capacity/opportunity, violence against women, women's human rights, and more.)
Violence Against Women Office (U.S. Government)
- (Includes research, legislation, help, and more)
Violence Against Women on the Internet
- (A 6-week lecture and discussion session sponsored in 2002 by the Beekman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School. Though the discussions are over, many of the resources are still available online. The session was organized into five modules: Campus Sexual Assault Policies; Pornography; Sex Trafficking; The Internet as a Site of Resistance; and Safety.)
W4 - Women's WorldWide Web
- (An online collaborative platform based in France and dedicated to empowering girls and women around the world through education, microfinance, access to ICTs, and networking. Le site est disponible aussi en français.)
WEDO: Women's Environment and Development Organization
- (A global activist, advocacy, and information organization)
WE LEARN: Women Expanding Literacy Education Action Resource Network
- (An online community promoting women’s literacy as a tool that fosters empowerment and equity for women. The site includes abundant resources focusing on women and literacy and more generally on women and/or literacy. A YouTube video explains more about WE LEARN's mission.)
WHOA: Working to Halt Online Abuse
- (Formerly called Women Halting Online Abuse, this site provides information about the WHOA e-mail list, safe sites, resources for site administrators, and strategies individuals can use to combat online abuse.)
Why Shop? Week
- (Organized by women's studies students at the U. of Colorado-Boulder, this site offers information about businesses worldwide that exploit women; it also proposes
ways to combat such exploitation.)
WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service
- (WINGS is "an all-woman independent radio production company that produces and distributes news and current affairs programs by and about women around the world." In addition to providing information about the organization, the web site offers an annotated archive of past programs, some of which can be listened to online, links to related sites, and more.)
- (The WIP [Women's International Perspective] is a comprehensive news website that reports world news, opinion, and commentary from female contributors around the world. The site claims that its mission "is to provide quality news from the unique perspectives of women that is accessible worldwide and free to our readers." The WIP seeks to rectify the under-representation of female journalists and to offer "a greater diversity of background and opinion than typically found in one online news publication.")
- (A "global information, communication and media network that enables NGOs to actively engage in the Beijing+5 review process with the long term goal of women's empowerment, with a special focus on women and media." The web site, available in English, French, and Spanish, offers information, involvement, and resources focusing on Africa, Asia & Pacific, Latin America & Caribbean, and Europe & North America.)
Women in Action
- (Women in Action is a tri-annual publication from Philippines-based Isis International that covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, with special emphasis on the needs and concerns of women in the Global South. Each online issue covers a different topic, such as "Examining Feminist and Social Movements," "Corporatised Media and ICT Systems and Structures," "Women in Prisons," "Young Women," and more.)
Women in the Sciences: Left Out, Left Behind
- (Sponsored by the National Women's Law Center, this site offers resources about the under-representation of women in university science, math, and engineering faculties and suggests steps one can take to reverse this trend. Among the resources is information about the number of women in science faculties at 150 American universities and links to several relevant reports, including A National Analysis of Diversity in Science and Engineering Faculties at Research Universities.)
Women Leaders Online
- ("Dedicated to mobilizing women over the Internet, empowering
women politically, and stopping the anti-women agenda of the Radical
Women Living Under Muslim Laws
- (Website of an "international solidarity network" for "women whose lives are shaped, conditioned, or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam." The network now links individual women and organizations in more than 70 countries. The website offers news, calls for action, publications, and extensive annotated links to related sites, as well as some resources available for purchase.)
Women, Politics, and Environmental Action
- (An International Symposium, Moscow - June 1994)
Women's Aid
- (Women's Aid is an organization based in Ireland that helps women and children who are being physically, emotionally, or sexually abused in their homes. The web site offers useful information about what domestic violence [DV] is, myths about DV, the social and historical context, and statistics, as well as services that Women's Aid provides.)
Women's Enews
- (Women's Enews is a professional news service providing news about issues of importance to women. The very interesting news stories "probe policy and politics, business and culture, from the perspectives of women's interests and priorities." The site offers coverage of women internationally, not just in the United States. The "Jeer of the Week" calls attention to outrageous news.)
Women's Law Initiative
- (A "nationwide online resource for women and girls living with or escaping domestic violence." The site provides clear instructions on laws pertaining to, and procedures necessary to obtain, restraining orders in all 50 states. It also offers definitions of domestic violence and related terms, news items, guidelines for personal safety and for leaving an abusive relationship, an "Am I Being Abused?" checklist, and links to other resources.)
Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace
- (Women's Learning Partnership is an international organization dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. It works with independent partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies, to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies. The tri-lingual website (English/French/Arabic) offers useful information about the status of women in the 20 countries where it has partners. It also offers a downloadable training handbook in 16 languages, information about programs on leadership and empowerment, on ICT capacity building, on women's human rights, and more, and a number of other resources.)
- (South-African-based web site "designed to enable South African women to use the internet to find the people, issues, resources, and tools needed for women's social action." The site includes sections for News, HIV/AIDS information, Women and Human Rights, Preventing Violence Against Women, Gender in Parliament, Health, New Communication Technologies, Women and Enterprise, a Directory of South African Women's Organizations, and more.)
Women's Policy, Inc.
- (This web site provides information about current issues in the United States Congress that affect women. It includes a weekly calendar, information about female members of Congress, an online newsletter, and more.)
Women's Prerogative
- (This activist website is "dedicated to bringing you information about the things that matter most to you, giving you a place to talk about them, and--most importantly--providing you with a way to do something about them." Two sample concerns: dating violence and women's underrepresentation in the sciences.)
Women's Space Work
- (Yvonne P. Doderer's site, based in Germany, provides annotated links to resources concerning cyberfeminism as theory and activism, political networking, feminist and lesbian activism, art on the net, and much more, including many outside the U.S. Doderer also offers a thoughtful essay entitled "Women's Space Work" that provides a feminist perspective on technological possibilities. The essay is available in both German and English.)
- ("A resource center for collaborative work among women's groups, inquisitive feminists, women activists, and others." Links to projects on role models for girls, women in computing, and more.)
- ("The UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women." It provides information and data about women around the world and about the global agenda for improving the status of women.)
WSIS Gender Caucus
- (The World Summit on the Information Society [WSIS] Gender Caucus, formed in Mali in 2002, is a group of women and men working "to ensure that gender equality and women's rights are integrated into WSIS and its outcome processes." The web site includes information about the Gender Caucus's core programme, press releases and other relevant news, a calendar of events, information about national and regional programmes, links to related sites, and more.)
XY Online
- (XY is a profeminist website focused on "men, masculinities, and gender politics." It offers a forum for debate and discussion, a resource library, and a toolkit for activism. Among its resources are over 200 articles on issues such as domestic violence, building gender equality, and the relationships between masculinity, class, race, and sexuality.)
Go back to complete list of women-related web sites
Copyright 2017 by Joan Korenman.
Please send all additions and corrections to:
Joan Korenman. However, please do not ask me to suggest web sites or other resources, and do not ask me to link to sites that are not rich in academic women-related resources. I unfortunately do not have time to respond to such requests. Many thanks.