�... [CIRC] has done an exemplary job on a project currently being conducted at Sinai Hospital involving
Cyberknife Radiosurgery (CK) and pancreatic cancer. Their insight and help in doing this statistical work was
invaluable. This is one of our first collaborative efforts involving Surgical Oncology and UMBC. It is my hope
that this mutually fruitful relationship will materialize into a larger national protocol, which will certainly
bring UMBC�s name into the forefront of national group protocols.�
- Dr. Mukund S. Didolkar, MD, Director, Surgical Oncology, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore
�I had several opportunities to interact [with] and get services from statisticians who were part of CIRC.
I was very pleased with the professionalism and high quality scientific support. I recommend the services of the
center to scientists, researchers, and businesses.�
- Dr. Uri Tasch, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UMBC
�I am thrilled to be partnering with [the Department of] Mathematics and Statistics to support CIRC.
Through our partnership with CIRC, OIT can refer faculty and graduate students to faculty and students in CIRC
with much more expertise in statistics and simulation than OIT could ever provide.�
- Jack Suess, Vice President for Information Technology, UMBC
�During my Research Assistantship with CIRC during Spring 2006, I worked on various projects including one
with Dr. David Salkever from the Public Policy Department at UMBC which involved modification of a C/C++ program.
At the end of the semester, I landed an internship at a multi-national company thanks to the experience and
knowledge I gained during my time at CIRC.�
- Aaptha Murthy, CIRC Mathematics RA, Spring 2006
�After joining CIRC, not only did I get involved in many interesting projects that helped build my resume,
I also received credits for my work and am able to graduate a semester earlier than planned.�
- Willy Weng, Stat 750 Student, Fall 2006
�This was my first time working with someone outside the Math/Stat department. I really enjoyed the
consulting meetings because I acquired vocabulary that researchers use in the context of ecological studies ...�
- Ronny Vallejos, Stat 750 Student, Spring 2004
�... what I like most about being a CIRC Research Assistant is the opportunity to see real-world applications
of mathematics, in particular, the modeling of natural phenomena using Partial Differential Equations.�
- Alen Agheksanterian, CIRC Mathematics RA, Fall 2006
�This experience provides me with excellent exposure to the challenges of interdisciplinary consulting, and
it allows me to see how I can apply my skills in mathematics and statistics to solve some very interesting problems.�
- Martin Klein, Math 750 Student, Fall 2006
Ana Maria Soane, Dr. Matthias K. Gobbert, and Dr. Thomas I. Seidman. Numerical Exploration of a System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Internal and Transient Layers. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 914-934, 2005.
Justin Newcomer, Dr. Nagaraj K. Neerchal, Dr. Barry Nussbaum. Statistical Methods and Data Management Tools for Outlier Detection in TRI Data. EPA National Vonference on Managing Environmental Quality Systems. Austin TX, April 27, 2006.
Following his project in Math 750, Using a Fourier Method to Solve a Convection-Diffusion Equation, Zhibin Sun was hired as a Research Assistant by Dr. Andrew Tangborn at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.