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November 4, 2004

In the News

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BD Metrics, in the news
BD Metrics, a start-up based at techcenter@UMBC and soon moving to bwtech@UMBC, was featured in a Dec. 1 Baltimore Business Journal story, announcing former Chief Financial Officer Mike Woosley's appointment as their new CFO. Digital Harbor Online also covered the story.

Dennis Coates, Economics, in
Dennis Coates, professor of economics, was quoted in a Nov. 30
Cato Institute news feature, "D.C. Ballpark Vote Expected Today," about the anticipated decision of whether the D.C. Council will fund the construction of a new stadium.

ACTiVATE in the news
ACTiVATE, an entrepreneurial competition for women funded by the National Science Foundation and led by UMBC, was featured in The Baltimore Business Journal and The Daily Record this week. ACTiVATE teams UMBC with six other Maryland universities plus private and public sector partners with the ultimate goal of creating new startup companies using patented technologies from Maryland universities.

Model UN Team in The Baltimore Chronicle
UMBC's Model UN Team, led by Political Science professor and chair Cynthia Hody, was featured in the Dec. 3 Baltimore Chronicle. The team was recognized at the 15th Annual American Model United Nations International Conference as a Distinguished Delegation for their representation of the United Kingdom on five committees.

AVIcode, techcenter@UMBC, in Digital Harbor Online
AVIcode, an affiliate company of techcenter@UMBC, was highlighted in a Nov. 22 Digital Harbor Online news feature, �AVIcode Launches Microsoft Operations Manager Add-in.�

Thomas Blass, Psychology, in Choice
The Nov. issue of Choice magazine, a publication that reviews books for academic libraries, features a review of Professor of Psychology Thomas Blass' book, The Man Who Shocked the World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram.

Terry Bouton, History, in the Baltimore Sun
Terry Bouton, assistant professor of history, was quoted in a Nov. 21 Baltimore Sun story, �Building democracy tougher than it looks,� about the naivet� of the idea that democracy is the most fundamental kind of government and how the history of our country proves it.

Vondina Brown, Meyerhoff Scholar, in the Baltimore Sun
Vondina Brown, a UMBC Meyerhoff Scholar, was mentioned in a Nov. 27 Baltimore Sun story, �Getting careers down to a science,� about Building STEPS, an innovative science program offered to students at Dunbar, Digital Harbor and Woodlawn High Schools.

Christopher Corbett, English, in Style
English Lecturer Christopher Corbett's December Back Page column, �Aliens Among Us,� appears in Style's print and online editions.

George LaNoue, Political Science, in the Asbury Park Press
Professor of Political Science George LaNoue was quoted in a Nov 21. Ashbury Park Press story, �New Jersey's set-aside program on hold,� about a state program intended to secure business contracts for women and minority-owned small businesses.

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun
Donald Norris, professor of public policy and MIPAR director, was quoted in a Nov. 19 Baltimore Sun story, �Inviting O'Malley onto Ehrlich's turf,� about Baltimore Mayor O'Malley's appearance at the Arbutus Roundtable.

Robert Provine, Psychology, in the Baltimore Sun
Robert Provine, professor of psychology and modern laugh research pioneer, was quoted in a Nov. 29 Baltimore Sun story, �Synthesizing human emotions,� about research being done to make computers sensitive to and able to mimic emotions.

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in Baltimore Magazine
Associate Professor of Political Science Thomas Schaller's �Jim Smith, the Un-Politician,� in the Dec. issue of Baltimore Magazine looks at the first-term Baltimore County executive's surprisingly apolitical nature.

The Shriver Center in the Jeffersonian
The Shriver Center's "Outstanding Transitioning program" award from the chamber of commerce was mentioned in a Nov. 22 Jeffersonian article, �Chamber recognizes students' charity.�

Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College and Visual Arts, in the San Francisco Chronicle
Ellen Handler Spitz, honors professor of visual arts, was quoted in a Nov. 17 San Francisco Chronicle story, �Childhood Isn't What It Used to Be. In the Arts, It's Dark and Complex," about the increasingly polarized notions of childhood being represented in contemporary art.

UMBC Oral History Consortium, in the Detroit Free Press
A UMBC panel chose two retired Marquette County, Michigan teachers to receive the 2004 Betty Key Oral History Award for their work with the Red Dust project, a chronicle of the region's mining history they started in 1983.

Simon Carn, JCET, in the Baltimore Sun
Simon Carn, JCET research associate and volcano expert, was quoted in a Nov. 12 Baltimore Sun story, �Fire Alarm,� about the largest man-made release of SO2 ever recorded when a sulfur plant in Al-Mishraq, Iraq was set ablaze.

The research carried out by Carn and his associates is also mentioned in a Nov. 17 EurekAlert report.

Dennis Coates, Economics, in the Business Gazette
In a Nov. 11 Business Gazette story, �Despite slow economy, demand high for stadium skyboxes,� Dennis Coates, professor of economics, claims that tax benefits and large businesses can explain the continued demand for skyboxes, despite an ailing economy.

Prof. Coates' Nov. 7 OpEd story for the Washington Post was reprinted online on Nov. 12 at the Cato Institute's Web site.

UMBC's Hillel in
Students in Hillel, a Jewish student organization on campus, were quoted in a Nov. 15 story, �Baltimore Students Build Bears for Sick Children� about the Hillel of Greater Baltimore's donation of 40 custom-made teddy bears to sick children.

Albin O. Kuhn, UMBC's First Chancellor, in the Western Howard County View
In a
Nov. 10 Western Howard County View story, �Farmer Kuhn,� UMBC's first Chancellor remembers UMBC's early years.

Senior Aaron Merki, Sondheim Public Affairs Scholar, in the Daily Record
Aaron Merki, a senior who wrote a legal brief while interning for the Maryland Public Defender's Office that helped overturn an unjust sentence in a criminal case, was featured in a Nov. 17 Daily Record story, �Court of Appeals rejects �conundrum' of enhanced penalty.�

The Shriver Center in the Arbutus Times
The Shriver Center's award from Catonsville's Chamber of Commerce is mentioned in a Nov. 18 Arbutus Times story, �School efforts honored that intersect with society.�

UMBC's SGA in the Catonsville Times, Jeffersonian
On Nov. 10 and 11, Patuxent Publishing newspapers the Catonsville Times and Jeffersonian published, �UMBC celebrates elections, community� acknowledges the success of the SGA's Election Night Extravaganza event held Nov. 2.

UMBC in the Washington Post
UMBC participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and is listed in the Nov. 16 Washington Post story, �Finding the Best, Not the Best-Known, Colleges.�

UMBC in the Washington Times
UMBC is mentioned in a Nov. 14 Washington Times story, �Bringing their spirit home,� as one of the local universities participating in the Peace Corps Fellows program, which places returning Peace Corps volunteers in public service internships.

UMBC in the Hagerstown Morning Herald
UMBC is one of the schools that will be offering courses for students enrolled in the new education program at UM Hagerstown, according to a Nov. 12 Hagerstown Morning Herald story.

Christopher Corbett, English, in the Baltimore Sun
English instructor Christopher Corbett's November 12 talk at this weekend's Carroll Community College's Book Fair was mentioned in the November 12 Baltimore Sun.

Rick Geritz, techcenter@UMBC, in the Daily Record Business Writer
Rick Geritz, CEO of BD Metrics Inc., has been appointed to the new Entrepreneur Council of Baltimore's National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, a volunteer advisory group that works with teachers who want to give their students more training in business skills.

Dennis Coates, Economics, in the Washington Post
Dennis Coates, professor of economics, wrote a Nov. 7 Washington Post story, �A Stadium Deal For Suckers� about the false belief that new sports stadiums necessarily create economic growth in the surrounding area. He predicts that bringing the Expos to D.C. will potentially result in a per capita income loss in the restaurant and hospitality businesses around the stadium.

Doctoral student David Gurzick, Information Systems, in the Baltimore Sun
David Gurzick, a UMBC doctoral student and the first employee of Sonum Technologies, Inc., an artificial intelligence start-up, was mentioned in the Nov. 7 Baltimore Sun story, �Hoping to be heard.� The article was the first in a multi-part series to chronicle the beginnings of the Sonum start-up.

Gurzick was also mentioned in the Baltimore Sun's Nov. 7 �Sonum's players,� a profile of all of the employees of the company.

Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, in the Houston Chronicle
Donald Norris, professor of public policy and MIPAR director, was quoted in a Nov. 6 Houston Chronicle story about the lift of a 51-year ban on bear hunting in Maryland.

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the NewsHour
Thomas Schaller, associate professor of political science, was quoted in a Nov. 3 PBS NewsHour story, �GOP Gains Senate Seats in Hotly Contested Races,� about the Republican win of four new seats in the Senate.

He was also quoted in the Nov. 3 Reuters story, �Election Will Prompt Democratic Soul-Searching,� about the significance of the Democratic loss in the presidential election.

Prof. Schaller was a guest-host on WBAL's Rob Douglas Show Nov. 8.

Christopher Corbett, English, in Baltimore Style Magazine and the Baltimore Sun
English instructor Christopher Corbett's November Baltimore Style column, �The Back Page� is now available online.

In his Oct. 31 Baltimore Sun op-ed, Corbett discusses Maryland's recent first bear hunt in more than 50 years and the image of bears throughout children's literature.

Alumnus Douglas Gearhart in Philosophy Now Magazine
Douglas Gearhart, philosophy '97, a member of the Army Reserve, chronicles his Bronze Star medal-winning service in Iraq and gives practical moral guidance for frontline soldiers in a Philosophy Now article.

Senior Kevin Hurley in the Gloucester County Times
Kevin Hurley, a senior in economics, won the Jonas Cattell Run, a 10-mile foot race started in 1969 to commemorate the anniversary of his maternal relative's contribution to the British defeat at Red Bank Battlefield in 1777.

Roy Meyers, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun
Roy Meyers, associate professor of political science, was quoted in a Nov. 1 Baltimore Sun story about $230 million in government bonds for public works projects that Baltimore County is asking its residents to vote on.

Music Department in the Baltimore Sun
The Nov. 2 Baltimore Sun story �Autumn offers an ample menu of music� highlights the opening of the music department's fall music program, which debuted with a classical Brahms program and will continue with more classical and contemporary performances in the coming weeks.

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the News
Donald Norris, professor of public policy and MIPAR director, was quoted in an Oct. 28 Baltimore Sun story, �Tough race brewing for Ehrlich, survey shows� about the serious challenge Ehrlich faces for reelection in view of the two strong Democratic candidates that oppose him.

He also was quoted in the Oct. 28 Baltimore Sun story, �Schaefer continues to draw solid backing, survey shows� about 82-year-old comptroller and former mayor William Donald Schaefer's overall support among Maryland voters.

On Oct. 31, Norris was quoted in the Washington Post story, �Parties eye shifts in Maryland voting� about the speculation that Republicans are gaining ground amongst Maryland voters.

He was quoted in two Baltimore Sun stories on Nov. 3. �House incumbents fend off challenges across state,� looks at the ease with which reigning Maryland Representatives defeated their challengers, and �O'Malley win sets stage for governor's race in 2006� examines political speculation regarding O'Malley's potential win of Maryland's gubernatorial election in 2006.

On Nov. 4, Norris was quoted in the Baltimore Sun stories �Election results show a growing partisan divide in Maryland" and "O'Malley's huge win is clouded."

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the News
Thomas Schaller, associate professor of political science, was quoted in an Oct. 29 WTOP story �Ruppersberger Solidifies Hold on Md.'s 2nd District� about the probability of Democratic Rep. Ruppersberger's reelection and the consequent challenges faced by his opponent, Jane Brooks.

He was quoted in a Nov. 1 Detroit News story �Now America decides� giving political expert speculation about the election results and what it would take for each candidate to win the race.

Also on Nov. 1, Schaller was quoted in the Nov. 1 Christian Science Monitor story �Winner's tough task: governing� about the difficulties the next president will have to face concerning America's polarized electorate, and the Cherry Hill Courier (New Jersey) article �Roles reversed throughout history� about the reversal since the 19th century of what the Democratic and Republican parties stand for and who is voting for them.

Schaller was quoted in a Nov. 3 Baltimore Sun story �Turnout propels Democrats� about the question of whether certain Maryland precincts are becoming more Republican and if the GOP is taking advantage of the presidential elections to begin campaigning for 2006.

Students' Election Night Extravaganza in the Baltimore Sun
On Nov. 3, the Baltimore Sun mentions UMBC's bipartisan Election Night Extravaganza amongst the local gatherings organized to watch the results of the election. The event was sponsored by UMBC's SGA.

Timmie Topoleski, Mechanical Engineering, in Chemical & Engineering News
Timmie Topoleski, professor of mechanical engineering, was quoted in a Nov.1 Chemical & Engineering News story about the development of a biocompatible polymer layer graft that is being tested by Japanese researchers at the University of Tokyo to reduce wear and bone loss from artificial joints.

Posted by dwinds1 at November 4, 2004 12:00 AM