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August 5, 2004

In the News

Charles Brown, Athletics, in the Baltimore Sun
Director of Athletics Charles Brown, the longest-tenured college athletic director in Maryland, was interviewed in the Baltimore Sun on August 22.

Jack Suess, CIO, in the Washington Post
Chief Information Officer Jack Suess is featured in a August 23 Washington Post article on the recent Microsoft Windows upgrade and its effects on campus technology.

UMBC in Baltimore Magazine
The September 2004 Baltimore magazine Fall Arts Preview, Baltimore icons are interviewed by up-and-comers in the arts. Brian Dannelly �97 interviews filmmaker John Waters, while music faculty Lafayette Gilchrist interviews pianist Leon Fleisher.

The upcoming Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery exhibition, A Thousand Hounds, is featured in the magazine's �exhibit� section.

Tim Brennan, Public Policy, in Alternet
Tim Brennan, professor of public policy, was quoted in AlterNet on August 26. He discusses how, despite the Bush administration's refusal to sign the Kyoto climate change agreements, some forward-thinking companies are already voluntarily trading greenhouse emission credits in the Chicago Climate Exchange.

UMBC Incubator Grad Cybergroup in the Baltimore Business Journal
Baltimore IT firm Cybergroup, a recent graduate of the business incubator program at techcenter@UMBC, was featured in the Baltimore Business Journal on August 23. Cybergroup is putting its expertise to work for over a dozen startup companies located in the Chesapeake Innovation Center (CIC), the homeland security incubator in Annapolis.

Cleopatra Borel '02 Places 11th, Brings Home Diamond from Athens
UMBC All American and former NCAA champion Cleopatra Borel, interdisciplinary studies '02, placed 11th in the women's shot put in the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Following the competition, former Retriever athlete Balvin Brown '02, Borel's longtime boyfriend, proposed. The story was featured in the Baltimore Sun on August 19. Registration is required to view the story.

techcenter@UMBC Tenant in the Daily Record
Aurora Analytics LLC was profiled in the Daily Record on August 16. The article is available to subscribers only.

Melanie Smith '95 and Meyerhoff Scholarship Program in Baltimore Sun
On August 8, Baltimore Sun education columnist Mike Bowler profiled Melanie Smith, biological sciences '95. The former Meyerhoff Scholar recently began a four-year residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital, having graduated in the spring with combined medical and doctorate degrees from the UMB. Bowler's article also provided an historic perspective on the Meyerhoff Program while reinforcing UMBC as a leader in STEM areas and outreach to underrepresented minorities.

Bill LaCourse, Chemistry, and the techcenter@UMBC's Aurora Analytics in The Jeffersonian
Aurora Analytics, led by UMBC chemistry professor Bill LaCourse and Aris Kalivretenos was profiled in The Jeffersonian on August 11. Aurora Analytics is the first technology company UMBC has launched from techcenter@umbc.

Christopher Hewitt, Sociology, on Fox 45 News
Christopher Hewitt, professor of sociology and one of UMBC's resident terrorismexperts, was interviewed by Fox 45 TV News for a segment broadcastAugust 9. Hewitt commented on the reaction to the FBI raid of an Albany,NY, mosque as part of a sting operation and investigation.

Anthony Johnson, Physics and CASPR, in Physics Today
Anthony Johnson, professor of physics and director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Photonics Research, was quoted in an article that appeared in the August 2004 issue of Physics Today. The article discusses the efforts of the Optical Society of America and the International Society for Optical Engineering to create educational programs for underrepresented middle school students.

Tom Schaller, Political Science, on WYPR
Assistant professor of political science Tom Schaller was on WYPR 88.1 FM's Marc Steiner Show on August 2 to discuss the upcoming presidential election.

UMBC Company in Baltimore Business Journal
Aurora Analytics, LLC, the first spinout of UMBC's Office of Technology Development, was the subject of a story in the Baltimore Business Journal on July 30. The company, headed by adjunct assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry Aris Kalivretenos and associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry William LaCourse, is developing test kits for seafood processors to check for spoiled fish-a technology that they believe can be made applicable for the poultry and meat industries as well.

UMBC's New Systems Engineering Program in Baltimore Business Journal
On August 6, the Baltimore Business Journal published an article on two new graduate programs in systems engineering which debut this fall through UMBC's Department of Professional Education & Training.

Posted by dwinds1 at August 5, 2004 12:00 AM