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The UMBC Department of Music presents its fall 2004 season, featuring an array of contemporary classical music concerts by world renowned artists, including performances by percussionist Steven Schick, saxophonist John Berndt and Ruckus, the professional contemporary music ensemble in residence at UMBC. The department will also sponsor a three day conference, Art-Reach!: Tapping the Power of the Arts, featuring educator Eric Booth and composer Tania Le�n.
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At a recent campuswide memorial for UMBC graduate student Jessica Soto Perez, the University will announce the establishment of the "Jessica Soto Perez University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez-UMBC Graduate School Bridge Fund" and awarded Perez a posthumous master of science degree in chemical and biochemical engineering, with a conferral date of August 2004.
At a campuswide memorial for UMBC graduate student Jessica Soto Perez, the University will announce the establishment of the "Jessica Soto Perez University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez-UMBC Graduate School Bridge Fund" and award Perez a posthumous master of science degree in chemical and biochemical engineering, with a conferral date of August 2004. The Perez memorial will be held Friday, July 16 at 3 p.m. in Lecture Hall III of the Administration Building at UMBC.
This page contains all entries posted to UMBC News in July 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.
June 2004 is the previous archive.
August 2004 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.