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February 10, 2003

Film Screening and Discussion with President Hrabowski

The UMBC Community is invited to a showing of Spike Lee's award-winningdocumentary film, �4 Little Girls,� in Lecture Hall II (ChemistryBuilding) on Tuesday, February 11 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. This will befollowed by a discussion with President Freeman Hrabowski. The programis sponsored by Residential Life (ext. 5-2591).

Synopsis of the Documentary
On a Sunday morning, September 15, 1963, while attending Sunday schoolin Birmingham, Alabama, four little girls were brutally murderedwhen a bomb ripped through the basement of the Sixteenth Street BaptistChurch. Dead were Addie Mae Collins (14), Carole Denise McNair(11), Cynthia Wesley (14) and Carole Rosamond Robertson (14). Thebombing was one in a series of racially motivated attacks across thecountry, and one that had a tremendous impact on America. Told throughthe eyes of people who were there--survivors, witnesses, defendersand prosecutors--this account records the impact and aftermath of thissenseless act.

Posted by dwinds1 at February 10, 2003 12:00 AM