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November 2002 Archives

November 4, 2002

Center for Art and Visual Culture presents the Faculty Biennial

UMBC's Center for Art and Visual Culture presents the Visual Arts Faculty Biennial from November 15 through December 21. In this Sixth Biennial, members of UMBC's Department of Visual Arts exhibit their current research in interactive media, photography, installations, graphic design, new genre, painting, video and film. Exhibitors include Diyan Achjadi, Guenet Abraham, Dan Bailey, Melanie Berry, Lee Boot, Steve Bradley, Lynn Cazabon, Irene Chan, Mark Alice Durant, Symmes Gardner, Vin Grabill, Hollie Lavenstein, Lisa Moren, Tim Nohe, Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo, Chris Peregoy, Alan Price, Peggy Re, Ann Rosenthal, Teri Rueb, Amie Siegel, Jaromir Stephany, Mark Street, John Sturgeon, Calla Thompson, William-John Tudor, Ren�e van der Stelt, and David Yager.

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Tech Watch

To help get ready for PeopleSoft training this winter, the Office of Information Technology recently conducted "desk interviews" with 15 UMBC staff whose duties include payroll preparation for their department. We wanted to understand how they do their jobs now and how they learn new technology. We also administered a "self assessment" to all 90 payroll preparers-results and the 15 interview transcripts are available on the Delta Project's Blackboard "community" site. What we found surprised us and changed our assumptions about technology training at UMBC generally.

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November 5, 2002

In the News

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November 6, 2002

Passing on a Passion for Music

Leslie Wilson, '74 and '76, and her husband Courtney Wilson have established The Paul Levin Memorial Scholarship Fund, which will provide an annual scholarship for an undergraduate UMBC music student who is pursuing a certificate in music education.

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CWIT Celebrates Start of Scholars Program Coming Soon!

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Humanities Scholars Recognize Influential High School Teachers

Several of UMBC's Humanities Scholars have invited influential high school teachers to campus to present them with an award and simply say �thanks� for their dedication to and enthusiasm for teaching.

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November 7, 2002

UMBC Department of Theatre Presents
An Evening of Adultery, Two One-Act Plays by George Bernard Shaw:
Overruled and Passion, Poison & Petrifaction

The Department of Theatre presents An Evening of Adultery, two one-act plays by George Bernard Shaw: Overruled and Passion, Poison & Petrifaction, on the ironies of infidelity, directed by Colette Searls.

Continue reading "UMBC Department of Theatre Presents
An Evening of Adultery, Two One-Act Plays by George Bernard Shaw:
Overruled and Passion, Poison & Petrifaction" »

Author Ellen Handler Spitz
Will Read From and Speak About Her Book
Inside Picture Books

In honor of Children's Book Week, the UMBC Bookstore features a reading of Inside Picture Books by the author, Ellen Handler Spitz, professor in the Honors College and the Department of Visual Arts, on Saturday, November 23rd, at 11 a.m. in the UMBC Bookstore. A discussion and question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

Continue reading "Author Ellen Handler Spitz
Will Read From and Speak About Her Book
Inside Picture Books" »

November 11, 2002

Shifty-Eyed Crabs Are an Extreme Discovery

From a crab-loving city comes research on a shifty-eyed species of crab that only a scientist could love. The Nov. 7 issue of Nature features the work of UMBC marine biologist and vision scientist Tom Cronin, who was part of a team studying the amazing eyes of a rare species of crab that thrives in the extreme heat and darkness of thermal vents deep beneath the Galapagos Islands.

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UMBC's New Faculty

Meet some of UMBC's newest faculty members.

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UMBC's New Faculty

Meet some of the newest members of UMBC's faculty

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Hunger 101: College Students Learn About Global Hunger at Banquet

On Tuesday, November 12, college students will know what it is like to gohungry -- at least for a little while. At UMBC's Oxfam Hunger Awareness Banquet, students will be randomly assigned a �new life,� complete with a new name, nationality and economic status. Depending on their class-level, the students will either be served a four-course meal at a dining room table or sit on the floor and eat a small serving of rice � if they are lucky (food is scarce, so not all will eat). The banquet will be held in UMBC's Skylight Room (The Commons) on November 12, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Continue reading "Hunger 101: College Students Learn About Global Hunger at Banquet" »

November 18, 2002

Artist Statement: Roz Croog

Continue reading "Artist Statement: Roz Croog" »

November 19, 2002

"Adultery" is on Display at the UMBC Theatre

The Department of Theatre's latest production, "An Evening of Adultery," features two one-act comedies written by Bernard Shaw and is under the direction of Colette Searls.

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New Faculty New!

Insights continues its profiles of new UMBC faculty.

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"Adultery" is on Display at the UMBC Theatre

The Department of Theatre's latest production, "An Evening of Adultery," features two one-act comedies written by George Bernard Shaw and is under the direction of Colette Searls.

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November 20, 2002

UMBC Debuts Wireless Technologies Certificate

The UMBC Computer Certification Training Center (CCTC) is expanding further into the distance education arena with the launch of a new, non-credit, online training program: the Wireless Technologies Certificate.

Continue reading "UMBC Debuts Wireless Technologies Certificate" »

November 25, 2002

Community Essay

Contemporary elections are more often about what citizens do not hear than partisanship. When asked by a correspondent to reflect on why Kathleen Kennedy Townsend lost to Robert Ehrlich, Congressman Elijah Cummings (CD-7) perhaps summed it up best: the Democrats failed to effectively get their message out to voters.

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About November 2002

This page contains all entries posted to UMBC News in November 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2002 is the previous archive.

December 2002 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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