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October 28, 2002
The UMBC Visiting Artist Lecture Series presents ®TMark representatives Ray Thomas and Frank Guerrero
The UMBC Visiting Artist Lecture Series presents
The Visiting Artists Lecture Series presents ®TMark representatives Ray Thomas and Frank Guerrero. ®TMark is an Internet based market system that supports the informative alteration of corporate products. ®TMark derives its name from "registered trademark" and is pronounced "art mark." Since its inception in the early 1990s, ®TMark has been responsible for funding many high-profile anti-corporate actions through its "mutual funds." It has been called the "MacArthur Foundation for aesthetic anarchy" by the Village Voice. They have swapped the voiceboxes of talking Barbie and GI Joe dolls at toy stores throughout the United States, backed Illegal Art in the production of "Deconstructing Beck," a remix of Beck Hansen's music, instigated actions such as "Phone in Sick Day," and supported the satirical websites
This event will be netcast live at
Admission is free.
Public information: (24 hour recorded message): 410-455-ARTS
General Department of Visual Arts information: 410-455-2150
Media inquiries only: 410-455-3370
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��ark website:
From Baltimore and points north, proceed south on I-95 to exit 47B. Take Route 166 toward Catonsville and then follow signs to the Fine Arts Building.
From I-695, take Exit 12C (Wilkens Avenue) and continue one-half mile to the entrance of UMBC at the roundabout intersection of Wilkens Avenue and Hilltop Road. Turn left and follow signs to the Fine Arts Building.
From Washington and points south, proceed north on I-95 to Exit 47B. Take Route 166 toward Catonsville and then follow signs to the Fine Arts Building.
Daytime metered visitor parking is available in Lot 10, near the Administration Building. Visitor parking regulations are enforced on all University calendar days. Hilltop Circle and all campus roadways require a parking permit unless otherwise marked.
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Images for Media
High resolution images for media are available online: or by email or postal mail.
Images for ®TMark are available on their website:
Posted by dwinds1 at October 28, 2002 12:00 AM