Much has been written recently about the role of the mentor in graduate studies. The importance of having an advisor to assist the student in the process of professional socialization (e.g., grant writing, colloquium preparation, job interviewing) is undeniable. An ideal mentor, however, goes beyond serving merely as a professional socializing agent. A wise and dedicated advisor can also assist the student in the pursuit of balance.
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UMBC faculty, staff and students are invited to join UMBC alumni for a full week of Homecoming events from October 21 through 27.
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myUMBC, the campus Web portal, will be changing, probably in late spring. The main reason is that the campus has discovered how to use it -- and then some.
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Anthony Valletta, senior vice president and director of Command and Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) Systems at SRA International, Inc., will speak at UMBC's Third Annual Visionaries in Information Technology Forum on October 10. Valletta will discuss "Managing the INFOGLUT We Have Created: Who Let the Bits Out?" The event will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the BWI Airport Marriott.
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Is your volunteer organization holding a fundraiser? Can't use thoseextra concert tickets? Want to start a bowling team? Now there is a wayto share information with the UMBC campus on the Insights CommunityForum's discussion board, available on Blackboard.
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The UMBC Department of Music presents the Federal City Brass Band, directed by Jari Villanueva, on Friday, October 25, 2002, at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Hall. The band performs on authentic Civil War era instruments.
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The companies of techcenter@UMBC, the University's high-tech business incubator, were honored with the Innovation Award at the Oct. 9 Baltimore County Business Awards ceremony hosted by County Executive C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger.
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UMBC history graduate student and budding film producer Ron Simon is helping to make his field exciting enough for prime time TV. Simon will get his first associate producer credit on October 13 at 10:00 p.m., when October Fury, a documentary about the secret submarine conflict during the Cuban Missile Crisis, airs on The History Channel.
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On October 22, UMBC will host Greater Expectations, a discussion of a recent report by the American Association of Colleges and Universities on blending liberal arts study with undergraduate professional education.
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Historian Stanley I. Kutler, best known for winning a 1992 lawsuit to open Richard Nixon's audiotapes to the public, will discuss his fight to keep presidential papers accessible when he speaks at UMBC on October 15.
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Join distinguished guest speakers, UMBC faculty and alumni and scientists from the Baltimore-Washington region to take "A Look Ahead" at how today's laboratory research may shape tomorrow's health care and quality of life.
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The UMBC Visiting Artist Lecture Series presents ®TMark representatives Ray Thomas and Frank Guerrero, on Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 1 p.m. in Fine Arts Building Room 215.
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The UMBC Visiting Artist Lecture Series presents ®TMark representatives Ray Thomas and Frank Guerrero, on Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 1 p.m. in Fine Arts Building Room 215.
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UMBC's Center for History Education (CHE) is joining forces with teachers in Baltimore City Public Schools in an innovative teacher-training program designed to increase student achievement in U.S. history.
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Several of UMBC's Humanities Scholars have invited influential high school teachers to campus to present them with an award and simply say �thanks� for their dedication to and enthusiasm for teaching. The students will present the teachers with �Exemplary Teacher Awards� at a ceremony following a Humanities Forum Lecture entitled, �Chinese Footbinding, Fashion and Modernity,� by Dorothy Ko. The awards and lecture will be held in the Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery at 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 6.
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