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Mark your calendars for a host of visual and performing arts events, including work by UMBC's talented faculty and students.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Forums provide opportunities to discuss current issues with internationally known scholars.
Continue reading "Social Sciences Forum Fall 2002 Calendar" »
When UMBC launched its first-ever campaign five years ago, some people thought our $50 million goal was a stretch. But at campaign's end, we are 30 percent over our goal, thanks to the campus community, corporations, foundations and friends who showed their support for UMBC by investing over $66 million in our students, faculty and staff.
Continue reading "UMBC's First Campaign Ends Thirty Percent Over Goal" »
UMBC students will turn to lessons of Ancient Greece to help put the events of September 11 in perspective. UMBC Associate Professor of Ancient Studies Jay Freyman will lead a Teach-In on �Human Inhumanity,� based on lessons learned from Thucydides' Melian Debate, on Thursday, September 12 from 4-6 p.m. in the Cabaret Room in UMBC's Commons. This event is free.
Continue reading "�Human Inhumanity� the Topic of UMBC Teach-In, Sept. 12, 4-6 p.m." »
UMBC's 36th Anniversary Opening will be held on Friday, September 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the UC Ballroom. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend.
Continue reading "UMBC Celebrates its 36th Anniversary Opening on September 20" »
Dr. Barbara Stowasser of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University will speak at the Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery. A reception will follow.
Continue reading "Islam and Modernity: Radical vs. Reformist Islam" »
When community activist and 1991 UMBC graduate Claudia Lennhoff takes the stage Sept. 24 in Washington, D.C., to receive a $120,000 award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for her work fighting for affordable healthcare for the uninsured, it will be the culmination of a personal struggle.
Continue reading "UMBC Alum Wins National Award for Health Care Reform Advocacy" »
UMBC's Center for Women & Information Technology is hosting a SBIR/STTR Seminar for Women Researchers and Entrepreneurs, titled "Building Your Tech-Biz with Government R&D Grants, Contracts and Investment Capital," on Friday, Sept. 27. The seminar, aimed at women-owned businesses that are R&D capable or are considering start-up of R&D for a government sector, will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Continue reading "UMBC Hosts Seminar for Women Researchers and Entrepreneurs" »
Anthony Valletta, senior vice president and director of Command and Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) Systems at SRA International, Inc., will speak at UMBC's Third Annual Visionaries in Information Technology Forum on October 10. Valletta will discuss "Managing the INFOGLUT We Have Created: Who Let the Bits Out?" The event will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the BWI Airport Marriott.
Continue reading "UMBC Presents 3rd Annual Visionaries in Information Technology Forum" »
This page contains all entries posted to UMBC News in September 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.
August 2002 is the previous archive.
October 2002 is the next archive.
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