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August 28, 2002

Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo to perform at UMBC

Bugallo-Williams Piano DuoOn Thursday, September 19th at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Hall, theDepartment of Music's Contemporary Concerts series presents theBugallo-Williams Piano Duo. Argentinean pianist Helena Bugallo and Americancomposer-pianist Amy Williams perform throughout this country and abroad.Hailed as "one of the world's pre-eminent ensembles devoted to waving thebanner for contemporary piano duo literature" (The Buffalo News), theBugallo-Williams Piano Duo has been committed to presenting concerts ofcontemporary music since 1995. They have been featured performers at theNumus Festival (Denmark), the Teatro San Mart�n (Buenos Aires), the June inBuffalo Festival, the North American New Music Festival (Buffalo), JordanHall (Boston), the Stefan Wolpe Festival (Evanston), Society for New Music(Syracuse), ThreeTwo Festival, Goethe-Institut New York, and the OGNATFestival (Sweden), among others.

The Duo's program will include transcriptions of Conlon Nancarrow's StudiesNos. 3c, 9, 14, 19, and 26 (1948-60); Morton Feldman's Piano Four Hands(1958); Amy Williams's Abstracted Art (2001-02); excerpts fromGy�rgy Kurt�g's Jatekok (1970); arranged excerpts from KarlheinzStockhausen's Tierkreis (1975); Jukka Tiensuu's ...Kahdenkesken (1983); andMauricio Kagel's Der Eid des Hippokrates (1984).

Bugallo-Williams Piano DuoTheir vast repertoire encompasses substantial late twentieth-century worksby major American and European figures, including Cage, Feldman, Reich,Wolpe, Stravinsky, Kurt�g, Ligeti, Kagel, and Sciarrino. They have premiereddozens of works by younger composers, many of whom have written especiallyfor the Duo. During the summers of 2000 and 2001, they wereartists-in-residence at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany,where they were also featured performers at the Musik aus Solitude Festival.Their upcoming debut CD will be released on the Wergo label, produced by theS�dwestrundfunk (German Radio); it will feature the complete music for solopiano and piano duet by Conlon Nancarrow, including new transcriptions often of his remarkable Studies for Player Piano. Upcoming engagements includerecitals at New York City's Merkin Hall and the Americas House (as part ofthe Stefan Wolpe centennial celebration), as well as performances inEngland, Uruguay, Canada, Mexico, and throughout the Northeastern UnitedStates.

Admission is free.

Public information: 410-455-MUSC.

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Posted by dwinds1 at August 28, 2002 12:00 AM