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August 2002 Archives

August 2, 2002

Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery presents Typographically Speaking: The Art of Matthew Carter

Opening on September 9th and continuing through December 7th, UMBC's Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery presents Typographically Speaking: The Art of Matthew Carter. Organized by the Library Gallery with guest curator Margaret Re, assistant professor of visual arts at UMBC, the exhibition will examine the significant contributions of Matthew Carter to the field of visual communications. Mr. Carter is one of the pre-eminent type designers of the 20th century and a historian of printing. His career has encompassed the typographical revolution which evolved from working with the Ensched� printing house, where he learned how to cut metal type, to Carter & Cone, one of the first independent digital typefoundries. Typefaces to his credit include ITC Galliard, ranked as one of the most significant design contributions of the twentieth-century and Verdana, likely to be ranked as one of the most significant design contributions of the twenty-first century.

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August 3, 2002

In the News

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August 12, 2002

Center for Art and Visual Culture presents Maria Elena González: Selected Works 1996 - 2002

UMBC's Center for Art and Visual Culture presents Maria Elena González: Selected Works 1996 - 2002. This exhibition, curated by Renée van der Stelt, features recent sculptures and drawings by emerging artist Maria Elena González, a Cuban-American artist from New York City. The exhibition will also introduce her public sculpture called Magic Carpet/Home, which will be installed in City Springs Park, near five Baltimore public housing projects, in the spring of 2003. An educational outreach program will accompany the exhibition and public sculpture. Maria Elena González has been investigating the possibilities of formal sculpture for over a decade. Her work accesses elements of sculpture while reworking what these elements represent, complicating our interaction with form to evaluate identity, emotion, history and the nature of metaphor. On Thursday, September 12, the artist will speak from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in the Center's Gallery. The opening reception will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

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August 16, 2002

testing\\\'s \" \\


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August 19, 2002

Welcome Week Kicks Off Traditional Fall Events

A host of UMBC fall traditions kick off August 24 with the start of Welcome Week, a series of events that bring the UMBC community together at the start of the semester.

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August 20, 2002

Welcome New UMBC Faculty and Staff

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August 26, 2002

Kaplan/Newsweek Names UMBC a �Hot School� for 2003

The 2003 Kaplan/Newsweek �How to Get into College� guide has named the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) as one of the hottest colleges in the U.S. UMBC is listed alongside such institutions as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Boston College and the University of California at Santa Barbara. UMBC is also listed in Kaplan's guide to the 345 Most Interesting Colleges.

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August 28, 2002

Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo to perform at UMBC

On Thursday, September 19th at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Hall, theDepartment of Music's Contemporary Concerts series presents theBugallo-Williams Piano Duo. The Duo's program will include music by Conlon Nancarrow, Morton Feldman, Amy Williams, Gy�rgy Kurt�g, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Jukka Tiensuu, and Mauricio Kagel.

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About August 2002

This page contains all entries posted to UMBC News in August 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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