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January 7, 2002

UMBC Presents January and February 2002 Arts Events


Cornfield Dance

February 6
The Department ofDance and the Progressions Series present Cornfield Dance, asix member company under the direction of Ellen Cornfield. Established in1989, Cornfield Dance has performed throughout the United States,including appearances at LincolnCenter, Jacob's Pillow, thePhiladelphia Museum of Art andnumerous universities. The company has performed in Japan and Poland andrecently performed at the Open Look Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia.Before founding Cornfield Dance in 1989, Ellen Cornfield performed foreight years with the Merce CunninghamDance Company. The company's program includesForeshadowed Seeing and Velcro Road. 8 pm, UMBC Theatre. $15 general admission, $7 students and seniors. Box office: 410-455-6240. A separate press release is available.

February 13, 14, 15 & 16
The Phoenix Dance Company, a professional modern dance company inresidence at UMBC, presents its annual concerts. The venerable company,founded in 1983, has played in venues such as the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, the Baltimore Museum of Art, Ohio State University and Judson Church. The program features thepremiere of a major new work chroeographed by Carol Hess. Thishalf-evening interdisciplinary piece is a collaboration between Hess andmembers of the Streaming Umbrella Group, which includes video and soundartist SteveBradley, composer LindaDusman, percussionist TomGoldstein, videographer Vin Grabill, and artist John Sturgeon.Chroeographer/dancer Cathy Painewill present an improvised solo, and dancers Sandra Lacy and MaryWilliford-Shade will present a duet by chroeographer Tonya Lockyer and twosolos choreographed by Gabriel Masson and Sean Curran. UMBC Theatre, 8 pm each evening. $15 general admission, $7 students and seniors. Box office: 410-455-6240. A separate press release is available.

(Please note that there are two art galleries at UMBC:
the Fine Arts Gallery and the Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery.)


January 28 - March 9
The Albin O. KuhnLibrary Gallery presents Nathan Lyons: Riding 1st Class on theTitanic!. The exhibition is composed of 200 sequenced imagesproduced by the world renowned photographer and represents a continuationof an earlier project, Notations in Passing, which was published in1974 and incorporated a sequence of images that began in 1962. Thisproject, organized and circulated by the Addison Gallery of AmericanArt, continues from 1974 to the present, encompassing work that hasbeen generated by Lyons over the past 36 years. On February 20 at 4p.m., the artist will give a lecture on the exhibition; a reception willfollow. The presentation of Riding 1st Class on the Titanic!has been supported in part from the Friends of the Library & Galleryand by an arts program grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agencyfunded by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery is open Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 4:30 pm, on Thursday until 8 pm, and Saturday 1 - 5 pm. Admission is free. Information: 410-455-2270. A separate press release is available.

Edward West

February 8 - March 16
The Fine ArtsGallery presents Casting Shadows, Images from a New SouthAfrica: Photographs by Edward West. This traveling exhibitionorganized by the artist and the University of Michigan Museum ofArt brings together an important body of work depicting the dailylives of black South Africans during the period of apartheid and itsdismantling. West photographed the country's communities ofcolor-townships, squatter camps, and other locations. As the exhibition'stitle suggests, shadow is used within the images as a metaphor for theshifting visibility of the black population during this period ofpolitical and cultural change. An opening reception will be held onThursday, February 7th, from 5 to 7 p.m. The Fine Arts Gallery is located in the Fine Arts Building and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Admission is free. Information: 410-455-3188. A separate press release is available.


February 14
The Department of Music's Faculty& Guest Artist Series presents pianist PaulHoffmann in concert. His program will feature music by Stuart SaundersSmith, including Pinetop, Aussie Blue, Brenda,Self and Notebook. Hoffmann made his debut at the ViennaKonzerthaus in 1973 while on a Fulbright grant, and has since concertizedextensively in the U.S. and abroad. He has recorded solo piano and chambermusic for Capstone, Orion,CRI, Northeastern,Composers Guild of New Jersey, Contemporary Record Society, O.O. Discs, Spectrum, and Vienna ModernMasters labels and has made numerous radio broadcasts in the U.S. as wellas for Voice of America, Radio Cologne, Radio Frankfurt, and Radio France. He is currentlyworking on recordings for Capstone and Neuma Records. Most recently he hasperformed at new music festivals in Italy ("Spaziomusica" inCagliari and "Musiche in Mostra" in Turin), National Sun Yat-senUniversity in Taiwan, GoucherCollege in Baltimore, Merkin Hall in New York City and The 8thInternational Symposium on Electronic Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art inChicago. 8 pm, Fine Arts Recital Hall. $7 general admission, $3 students/seniors, free with UMBC ID. Information: 410-455-2942. A separate press release will be available.

James Dashow

February 18
The Department of Music's Free in508 series presents composer James Dashow, who will curatean evening of new electronic music by Italian composers.8 pm, Fine Arts Studio 508. Admission is free. Information: 410-455-2942.


Images for Media
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or by email or postal mail.

UMBC Artsline (24 hour recorded message): (410) 455-ARTS
Media inquiries only: (410) 455-3370

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From Baltimore and points north, proceed south on I-95 to exit 47B. Take Route 166 toward Catonsville and then follow signs to the Fine Arts Building, Theatre or Library.

From I-695, take Exit 12C (Wilkens Avenue) and continue one-half mile to the entrance of UMBC at the roundabout intersection of Wilkens Avenue and Hilltop Road. Follow signs to the Fine Arts Building, Theatre or Library.

From Washington and points south, proceed north on I-95 to Exit 47B. Take Route 166 toward Catonsville and then follow signs to the Fine Arts Building, Theatre or Library.

Daytime metered visitor parking is available in Lot 10, near the Administration Building, and in Garage 1, near the Theatre. Meters are in effect until 7:30 p.m. Visitor parking regulations are enforced on all University calendar days. Hilltop Circle and all campus roadways require a parking permit, unless otherwise marked, until 3 p.m. on weekdays.

Online campus map:


Posted by dwinds1 at January 7, 2002 12:00 AM