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October 12, 2001

Music Duo Ancuza Aprodu - Thierry Miroglio to perform at UMBC

Baltimore, MD (October 1, 2001) - UMBC's Department of Music presents theDuoAncuza Aprodu - Thierry Miroglio, featuring the artistry ofpercussionist ThierryMiroglio and pianist Ancuza Aprodu.

Duo Ancuza Aprodu - Thierry Miroglio

The Program
The program will feature the world premiere of Richard Festinger'sConstructionen Metal et Bois for piano and percussion, Robert HPPlatz's up (Piano Piece 4) for solo piano, Dominique Lema�tre'sAl Uzza for piano and percussion, the United States premiere ofFrancis Miroglio's Pulsars 2 for vibraphone and piano, EricTanguy's Towards for solo percussion, and MauriceOhana's Etude d'Interpretation XII: Imitation-Dialogues forpianoand percussion.

Thierry Miroglio, percussionst
Percussionist Thierry Miroglio commands a repertoire of more than 150worksand has performed in more than 25 countries. He studied with Jean-Pierre Drouetand Sylvio Gualda, under whom he obtained a First Prize at the NationalConservatory of Versailles. He continued his studies at the Sorbonne withIannis Xenakis and at theNationalConservatory of Boulogne-Billancourt. He is now a professor at theConservatory Darius Milhaud in Paris and has worked at studios such as IRCAM, GRM and Grame.

A specialist in new music, Miroglio has collaborated with composers John Cage, Andr�Boucourechliev, Jean-Claude Risset,Luciano Berio, MauriceOhana, YoshihisaTa�ra, Kaija Saariaho, Edison Denisov, Aldo Brizzi, AndrewAger, FrancoDonatoni, Jean-BaptisteBarri�re, SuzanneGiraud, MarcoStroppa, AlessandroMelchiorre, G�rard Grisey, KlausHinrich Stahmer, BrianFerneyhough, BetsyJolas, ManfredStahnke and Hughes Dufourt,andhas premiered many of their pieces, some of which are dedicated to him.

Thierry Miroglio has recorded as a soloist for several labels and recentlypremiered the last work by Xenakis for solo percussion and ensemble.

Ancuza Aprodu, pianist
A native of Romania, French pianist Ancuza Aprodu studied piano withSmaranda Murgan in Bucharest before settling in Italy, where she studiedwith the pianist Roberto Bollea and the composer Enrico Correggia. Shereceived a diploma from the "Giuseppe Verdi" Conservatory inTurin, Italy and distinguished herself in several internationalcompetitions.

Since 1993, she has developed an international solo career in Europe andAmerica, performing a large repertory ranging from Baroque to contemporarymusic throughout Europe, South America and Asia. With an emphasis on newworks, she has premiered works by Gy�rgy Ligeti, Franco Donatoni,BetsyJolas, DieterAcker,OctavioL�pez, MauriceOhana, Jean-ClaudeRisset, Klaus Ager, MarlosNobre,DominiqueLema�tre,AlessandroSolbiati, DanielTeruggi, and Hiroshi Nakamura. Also active as a chamber musician, shewas a member of the Ensemble Europeo Antidogma. Ancuza Aprodu is presentlyorganizing a contemporary piano collection for Editions Jobert in Paris.

General admission: $7.00
Students and seniors: $3.00
Admission is free to holders of a current UMBC ID.

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General Music information: (410) 455-2942
UMBC Artsline (24 hour recorded message): (410) 455-ARTS
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Posted by dwinds1 at October 12, 2001 12:00 AM