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October 12, 2001

Hoffmann/Goldstein Duo to perform at UMBC

Baltimore, MD (October 1, 2001) - UMBC's Department of Music presents theHoffmann/Goldstein Duo, featuring the artistry of percussionist TomGoldstein and pianist PaulHoffmann.Over the past eight years, the Duo has appeared in dozens of concerts andnew-music festivals in the U.S. and in Europe. The Duo continuallypremieresworks, many of which are written expressly for them, and recently releasedtheir first CD, Crossfade, onCapstone Records.

The Program
The evening's program will feature C.I.R.C.A. (2000) by AnnelieseWeibel (b. 1956), that is poetry as ... (1993) by MalcolmGoldstein(b. 1936), Noel from the Vingt Regards sur l'EnfantJ�sus (1944) by OlivierMessiaen(1908-1992), Simultaneous Broken Symmetries (1990) by Jarrad Powell(b.1948), Read Your Assoff (1990) by Tom Pierson, Links No. 6 (SongInteriors) (1989) by Stuart SaundersSmith (b. 1948), and Double Play (1999) by AndreaClearfield (b. 1960).

Paul Hoffmann, pianist
Paul Hoffmann made his debut at the Vienna Konzerthaus in 1973 while on aFulbright grant, and has since concertized extensively in the U.S. andabroad. He is founder and director of the HELIX! NewMusic Ensemble of RutgersUniversity which is in its tenth season of concerts. Hoffmann hasrecorded solo piano and chamber music for Capstone, Orion, CRI, Northeastern,ComposersGuild of New Jersey, Contemporary Record Society, O.O. Discs, Spectrum, and Vienna ModernMasters labels and has made numerous radio broadcasts in the U.S. as wellasfor Voice of America, Radio Cologne, Radio Frankfurt, and Radio France. He is currentlyworkingon recordings for Capstone and Neuma Records.

Most recently he has performed at new music festivals in Italy("Spaziomusica" in Cagliari and "Musiche in Mostra" inTurin), National SunYat-senUniversity in Taiwan, GoucherCollege in Baltimore, Merkin Hall in New York City and The 8thInternational Symposium on Electronic Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art inChicago.He has served on the jury of many piano competitions including the NewJersey Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, and was the first U.S.judgeto be invited to the prestigious Concours International de MusiqueContemporaine pour Piano in 1983 and 1986.

Mr. Hoffmann has degrees from Eastman School of Music, anddid further study at the PeabodyConservatory. He attended both the Universit�t Mozarteum Salzburg andtheHochschule f�r Musik in Vienna. His principal teachers have been LeonFleisher, Cecile Genhart, Dieter Weber, Kurt Neumuller, and Brooks Smith.Mr. Hoffmann is currently Professor of Music at Mason Gross School of theArts, Rutgers University, where heteaches piano, chamber music and directs the contemporary music ensemble,HELIX!,which he founded in 1990.

Tom Goldstein, percussionist
As a New York City freelance percussionist for over twenty years, Mr.Goldstein performed extensively with groups such as the Orchestra of St.Luke's and the BrooklynPhilharmonic, as well as chamber groups, Broadway shows and innightclubs. Especially active in contemporary music, he has premiereddozens of solo and chamber works, many of which were written expressly for him.From 1980 to 1990 he served as Artistic Director of the new-music groupGAGEEGO. He has toured with Steve Reich, played withPauline Oliveros, and theensemble Continuum. Mr. Goldstein composed and performed percussionsoundtracks for NBC World Series and U.S. Tennis Open documentaries. Mr.Goldstein has published articles in Perspectives of NewMusicand Percussive Notes. He has recorded on Neuma, Vanguard, Polydor, Opus 1,O.O. Discs, CD Tech, Capstone and CRI. Mr. Goldsteinis an assistant professor of music at UMBC.

General admission: $7.00
Students and seniors: $3.00
Admission is free to holders of a current UMBC ID.

Telephone and web
General Music information: (410) 455-2942
UMBC Artsline (24 hour recorded message): (410) 455-ARTS
Media inquiries only: (410) 455-3370

UMBC Arts website:
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UMBC Department of Music website:
Paul Hoffmann website:
Tom Goldstein website:

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Posted by dwinds1 at October 12, 2001 12:00 AM