Spring College Fair Season Approaches: Prepare for it!
UMBC Admissions Counselor, Ryan Mitchell, blogs about how students can most effectively use their time at college fairs... as only an insider could.

For every student who efficiently navigates the onslaught of vivacious and/or droopy-eyed admissions counselors at college fairs, there are five others who seem lost amid the carnival daze. It’s easy to understand why.In some ways college fairs are very much like a carnival. The counselors are the ‘carnies’ beckoning you to step right up, take a chance, and eventually pay us a lot of money to leave the carnival with a big fluffy stuffed bear, or in this case, a bachelor’s degree.
This is a somewhat cynical perspective, one that you can avoid adopting if you prepare for the college fair. The students who obtain the most valuable information from college fairs are inevitably those who prepare for the experience. If you avoid the idle chatter and seek the real answers, you’ll feel a lot closer to the bachelor’s degree, and much further away from the Big Top.
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July 13, 2010
Fall Application Deadlines
Students wishing to apply for the Fall 2011 semester, should submit an application by one of the following deadlines:
Early Action (non-binding) - November 1, 2010
Regular Decision - February 1, 2010
Applications will be available online by September 1. For more information about applying to UMBC, visit www.umbc.edu/undergraduate/apply_now