Parkinson Named America East Women's Cross Country Performer of the Week
Senior Sara Parkinson (Lancashire, England) has been named the season's first America East Women's Cross Country Performer of the Week, as announced by the conference Tuesday. Parkinson won the Mount St. Mary’s Dual 5K's, posting a time of 17:47.47. The time was more than 18 seconds faster than the next fastest competitor and 37 seconds ahead of last year’s time at the meet. Parkinson finished sixth at the 2009 America East championship meet.

September 26, 2010
UMBC Baja racing team is overall leader in U.S. after 2010 Baja SAE season

That result marked the highpoint of a season that also saw the team receive recognition for being the lowest cost entry at each event.
“We are extremely proud of UMBC’s Baja team for showing how technical knowledge, hard work, innovation and team work can lead to success in addressing a complex engineering challenge,” said Warren DeVries, dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology.
Teams competing in Baja SAE events must design, build and drive off-road racing vehicles that are judged in multiple design and performance categories. Close to 100 teams competed in each of the regional events in 2010, with about 10 traveling to all of them.
The Mike Schmidt Memorial Iron Team Award, awarded to the team with the top cumulative score from the three races, went to Ecole De Technologie Superieure, an engineering school in Montreal. UMBC came in second, and Universite Laval in Quebec was third. Other universities with teams that competed in all three races included Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of South Florida and Michigan State University.
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September 28, 2010
UMBC Holds Ceremonial Groundbreaking for LEED Silver Performing Arts & Humanities Building

"We're celebrating the beginning of a new chapter for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County,” said Governor O’Malley. “The new Performing Arts and Humanities Building is a true investment in the talents, skills, creativity, ingenuity and education of our people. Its ‘green’ design will help develop a more sustainable environment, and in these tough economic times, its construction will provide much-needed jobs for our hardworking families. Together, we can continue to nurture our students’ talents and gifts while providing them with the tools they need to build a better future.”The first construction phase, scheduled to open in fall 2012, will provide space for the Department of English, the Department of Theatre, the James T. and Virginia M. Dresher Center for the Humanities, the Humanities Scholars Program, the Linehan Artist Scholars Program, and arts management offices; the second phase will provide space for the Departments of Ancient Studies, Dance, Music and Philosophy. The cost for Phase I is $87.6 million.
The PAHB will be situated on 4.8 acres on the west side of Hilltop Circle, adjacent to the existing Fine Arts, Engineering and Information Technology/Engineering Buildings. A UMBC campus map (PDF) is available here.
Building images are available at
UMBC’s first LEED Silver building, an addition to Patapsco Residence Hall, is scheduled to open in the fall of 2011.
About September 2010
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