UMBC Admissions Counselor, Ryan Mitchell, blogs about how students can most effectively use their time at college fairs... as only an insider could.

For every student who efficiently navigates the onslaught of vivacious and/or droopy-eyed admissions counselors at college fairs, there are five others who seem lost amid the carnival daze. It’s easy to understand why.In some ways college fairs are very much like a carnival. The counselors are the ‘carnies’ beckoning you to step right up, take a chance, and eventually pay us a lot of money to leave the carnival with a big fluffy stuffed bear, or in this case, a bachelor’s degree.
This is a somewhat cynical perspective, one that you can avoid adopting if you prepare for the college fair. The students who obtain the most valuable information from college fairs are inevitably those who prepare for the experience. If you avoid the idle chatter and seek the real answers, you’ll feel a lot closer to the bachelor’s degree, and much further away from the Big Top.
1.) Do not partake in gratuitous displays of public affection. It is true that I have witnessed such an event at a college fair. Overtaken by the social atmosphere and against their best judgment, two fair goers longingly embraced in front of my table. This was counterproductive. UMBC: U Must Be Cuddling? Nope. You might get our attention, but we ‘carnies’ will no longer beckon!2.) Do not ask the question, “What can you tell me about [insert school here]?” You might as well ask a used car salesman to speak with spittle flying directly in your ear for forty-five minutes. While some general info is certainly helpful, try to come with a game plan that includes a specific set of questions. If you’re only seeking general info., be sure to ask pertinent info. that will prevent me from telling you that every single major we have is ’strong,’ because I will certainly oblige you. I dare you to count how many counselors say the word ’strong’ during your college fair perusal.
3.) Do not bring a bag to carry collected materials. Contrary to many suggestions, the bag will only lead your bathroom reading selection to grow, not necessarily your knowledge of potential college choices. I know it sounds hypocritical from a counselor who peddles these materials, but try only browsing the materials, writing down important visit dates, criteria, AND the school’s website. All the info. you’ll need on most colleges is found on their websites. Luckily our site has both the academic and the social covered in very simple terms.
The only exception to the no-material-grabbing rule is a business card. If you’re in a rush and ran out of time because a counselor spent too much time with the spittle in the ear, grab business cards! That’s why counselors are there, to be your guide throughout the application process. Do not hesitate to contact them.
There are plenty more pointers to be shared, but I hope this helps you realize the necessity of preparation. The most prepared fair goers always seem to be the most prepared applicants. Start working on that correlation now!