In conjunction with the exhibition, For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights, educators will learn the power of visual imagery representing historic events that inspired people to action. Using the tragic event of the kidnapping and murder of young Emmett Till on August 28, 1955, the exhibition, For All the World to See examines how visual images shaped, influenced, and transformed the fight for civil rights in the United States.
Participants will learn how to use art and visual images in a hands-on learning environment to build student writing and language art skills. Participants will also receive take home teaching materials and tour the exhibition.
Ideal for 5th – 12th grade educators
Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, February 11th to Jomo Cheatham at 773-947-0600 ext. 255
Illinois State Standards: Creating and Performing: 25: 25.A.2d, B.25.B.2, 26: A. 26.A.2e 26.A.2f B. 26.B.2d 26.B.4d
> To register and for more on the workshop, click here