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« Localism is Coming | Main | Facts Are Stubborn Things: Social Security Edition »
February 2, 2009 |Permalink |Comments (0)
Monkhouse Monday
Looting the state pension fund (AHV) in Switzerland
The Swiss AHV (pension for old age) was founded 60 years ago. Every salary has a percentage deducted which goes into the funds. With the ever aging population this fund needs to be secured by other means as an ever decreasing workforce supports an ever increasing old generation, this is nothing new. However, in 1998 a study was conducted on how to achieve this (Wechsler/Savioz 1998). One of the striking points was that different organizations such as the Red Cross, publicly funded home care organizations (Spitex), Pro-Senectute (an organization to provide information and consultancy in old age) and a few senior-run-organizations received 65 million Swiss Francs in 1986, 205 millions in 1996 and over 300 millions in 2008. This is an exponential growth with no justification, so the authors.
This needs to be stopped, so the study, these organizations provide a wide variety of services, but they do not have to prove their impact and efficiency. It is not the job of an old age pension fund to subsidize them. Or as a politically engaged 83-year old person puts it: „Stop looting our pension funds“.