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« Monkhouse Monday | Main | Blanchard WinsDays »
February 10, 2009 |Permalink |Comments (3)
Kevin Frick writes...
in a note to me...
I heard you on the Marc Steiner show last week. Great show. I was
wondering if you collaborate with anyone here at the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. I have been working with SPH, SOM, and
SOn colleagues for several years on a project called Experience Corps that
changes the roles that we anticipate that older adults will play before
they need a nursing home.So, I am definitely interested in changing the
life course at almost all points to facilitate better living later in
I was also wondering if you have economists working directly with
you at UMBC? That is my original training. I look forward to hearing
more about your work over time.
What advice, dear readers, do you have for him?
Comments ( 3)
Kevin writes that Experience Corps ...changes the roles that we anticipate that older adults will play...
Hmmm. What about expanding the experimental protocol to foster direct interaction/discussion among older adults about the roles we ourselves anticipate we will (or might) play to forestall our need for a nursing home.
Online forums that capture peer insights and ideas wouldn't cost much and might yield as much nutritious fodder for investigators as it would for us aging folks ourselves.
I just want to add my support for this great idea, Kevin. We know that elders are a wise resource long after they retire from employment, but our society has marginalized and disempowered them.
What a great way to bring their knowledge and experience back into our communities!
My suggestion: Meet, talk and join forces.