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February 8, 2009 |Permalink |Comments (0)

Getting Closer!

Please let it be so...

President Obama looking at Sebelius to head HHS Posted: 05:00 AM ET

From CNN Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry

WASHINGTON (CNN) – In a sign that she is getting a close look for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius recently met with senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, according to two Obama administration officials.

Sebelius has a good personal relationship with the President and remained in the running for the vice presidential slot until near the end of the process, the officials also told CNN.

But the officials cautioned that President Obama is considering others for HHS as well. Those getting a look include Oregon Democrat Sen. Ron Wyden and Tennessee’s Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen, according to the officials.

White House spokesman Reid Cherlin stressed to CNN that "no decision has been made." But Cherlin added the President "is moving quickly in filling this critical role."

Full story here

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