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February 6, 2009 |Permalink |Comments (0)

Power Up Friday

Reporting from Mission Beach, San Diego:

Dateline February 4th, Walnut Creek CA: Residents of Rossmoor retirement village have voted to hire sharpshooters to kill a couple of dozen acorn woodpeckers, because they are disturbed by the hammering noises.

They apparently tried to shoo the birds in other ways, including playing recordings of birds being killed by predators (and this is LESS disturbing???).

The California Audubon Society has been looking for more humane solutions, such as building granaries and softwood posts with holes, but the neighborhood association has voted them down and hired the sharpshooter. The society says they can no longer work with them, and are "incredibly disappointed".

Just a reminder that the wisdom that comes with age is not a foregone conclusion. If this approach were applied to all environmental noise, we'd be killing snowplow drivers, construction workers and people with loud radios too!

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