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November 3, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (2)

Something is Happening Here

The Crabby Old Lady gets it, as usual...

Did you see the long lines of people waiting to vote early over the weekend? People in at least one city lined up starting at 6AM for a 10AM opening at a polling station. In some states, millions have already voted. One TV news show reported that by the time polls open Tuesday morning, one-third of Americans will have voted.

As the Buffalo Springfield sang a long time ago, “Something’s happening here.”

And something IS happening. I sense something new in the zeitgeist, a seriousness and urgency among the people. After eight years of the disastrous administration of George W. Bush that has bankrupted the country, killed thousands of our young people, decimated the military, transferred billions of dollars in wealth to corporations and one percent of the populace while impoverishing the middle class and gutting the Constitution, we are at a turning point.

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Comments ( 2)

That something may be what Sam Cooke was talking about when he sang "A Change is gonna come..."
It's happiness and a release of frustration for the supporters of one of the candidates...hopefully if this plays out as I think it will we'll know by 10 or so.

I am hopeful that change can bring change. The Obama candidacy/Presidency could be a powerful stimulus in our efforts to change/evolve culture in our journey with Elders. The symbolism of empowering a person of color to a powerful world leadership position could provide a springboard for our service organziations, including race conscious Elders, class conscious staff, and institutionalized management, could challenge all to see our world through a more diverse and inlcusive lense.

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