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« Power up Friday from Sedona | Main | Monkhouse Monday »

October 27, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (0)


Senator Obama refers to his grandmother as "Toots." This is a slang version of the Hawaiian word "tutu" which means grandmother.

Tutu and Me is a wonderful community based service organization that seeks to "spread the wealth" of wise elders.

More Here

Tūtū and Me provides learning opportunities for children's social, linguistic, cognitive, physical and emotional development, and meets the needs of anyone directly involved with them and their development. The program emphasizes activities that promote growth in the following areas:

* Cognitive: to assure/develop average intelligence as measured by standard tests
* Social: to develop social temperaments that bring positive responses from others
* Language/literacy skills: to give children a strong start to assure that effective reading skills will be attained by fourth grade

The Tūtū and Me program is free, is conducted in public places and provide entry points into needed health or social services for families who otherwise might not know where or how to get help. The program will also be a point of identification for children with special learning needs.

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