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October 23, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (4)
Sarah Live Blogs!
Dr. Thomas has asked me to write on this live blog about his lecture today on childbirth, nudity, and blood.
Chimpanzees and humans are very similar in their birthing patterns, but a human newborn is more helpless than the newborn chimpanzee.
edc = due date for the baby = est. date of confinement = after baby pushed out, you're not going anywhere for awhile (not even going to climb trees or work in fields)
Dr. Thomas states that he has never delivered a baby; he attends the birth. Meaning, mostly, that only women can technically deliver babies (give birth to babies).
Ew... newborn babies look like aliens.
The newborn baby that is getting checked out on the screen now has apparently come out healthy... i.e. "his p.p. is normal"...
Midwives v. the Church -- Your face will change with age: your bone structure changes, the fat in your face is redistributed, and while your eyes don't move, they do appear to move back in your forehead. This looks personifies the appearance of a witch. Doubt it? Check it out on Halloween. Wise women (= midwives and healers) were demonized in order to set up a social hierarchy. The Church was successful in making these women out to be evil.
Our second commercial is a video of a woman giving birth... Even though a woman, and childbirth is natural, I am very happy to hear that there is no sound. I don't believe I have ever seen the birth of a child. Maybe I am a sheltered person? I could use a rush of oxytocin right about now!!
Listen up, ladies and gentlemen: Babies are very inconsiderate in terms of timing.
Dr. Thomas is the father of 5 children and helped these children get out of the birth canal. Two of his children were born in a hospital. Interesting story about his 2nd oldest son who was born in their living room. He was the first child born in a particular part of town in 33 years.
On to the Boomers -- as baby makers, they wanted new ways of being able to have medical technologies as well as the possibility of having babies at home. They wanted it all. Are we surprised? Nope. But, they did set the way for us today. And now we too want and expect it all (except for the gross parts).
Dr. Lamaze - educated couple on how to get through the birthing process in a much less medicalized way than the past. Concentration was put on the mother's breathing techniques in order to reduce pain. This philosophy of childbirth is now known as natural childbirth.
I thought the videos couldn't get any grosser. I was wrong. Our third commercial of the day is that of a c-section. Boy, is it great that there is sound for this video. The crying newborn sounds like it is drowning. At least I was able to blog here and not have to watch the entire video. (Sorry for my weak stomach).
Those who want to be in the aging field: Have a vision of a person's past value. Who has a person been? Just as you would imagine what a child can be and you give them value because of their potential, being about to locate value that isn't tied to performance that makes us see the value of lives.
And as class wraps up, the final video: That of an underwater birth. Finally!! Something that seems peaceful for everyone involved, especially the AGNG 100 viewer!!
Comments ( 4)
Nice blog work Sarah
Nice blog Sarah
Nice blog! Ew!
For those of us who have birthed children, it is an awesome event.-no matter how the event occurred.