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« Beautiful Website | Main | Mrs. Teller On Mashups »
October 9, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (0)
Mash Ups
I am a big fan of the practice of combining existing media with new ideas and interpretations. These creations are called "mashups." It is actually a very old idea. Every generation of Old Timey and Folk artists puts its own stamp on existing works which they inherited from those who came before. It's worked this way for thousands of years.
This video is a reworking of a fun but silly 1980's song, "Take On Me."
You might or might not remember the song. It doesn't really matter. The point is that a group of artists took the images and reworked the lyrics making them a very literal and "kind of goofy" narration of what is being depicted in the images.
Play the video and read along with the new (on-screen) lyrics.
This is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg of mashups that are coming our way...