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September 21, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (2)
Number 500
Just wow.
It does not seem possible that Blogmeister Kavan threw the switch and went live just a year ago. This is the 500th post since that day. Special thanks to guest posters Al Power and Christa Monkhouse for their insightful additions to this blog.
Over the past couple of months the readership has increased significantly. I'm not sure why this has happened but I am very happy about it. Because we have so many new readers, I thought that I would celebrate year one with a "Greatest Hits" post a day from the archives.
Not to worry! We will also have current material.
One last thought, the epic tsunami of spam that washes over the internet can be kept away from our comments section if we limit participation to people who have a TypeKey ID. It is simple it is free and it stops spam from clogging our comments.
Best to all our readers and here's to a fantastic year two.
Comments ( 2)
I check this blog every day. It is THE ONE that s really worth the time. Keep up the great work.
Louise Morman
Eldercare Learnings
Wow, it is amazing how fast time flies. Today is not only's 1st Birthday, but it's also my 31st!
Happy birthday to us both.