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« I'm Talking Old | Main | Monkhouse Mondays: Prevention instead of cure »

September 26, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (5)

Movie Stars Are Immune from Aging

Well maybe not, maybe they get older right along with all the rest of us...


Comments ( 5)

Thank goodness they do, I'm not sure I'd appreciate the high schooler Brad Pitt quite the same...

They age, of course, though many fight it with alterations to their bodies...those who do it gracefully (by this I mean without looking totally plastic, although I understand why they do it) are an inspiration. To wit: Helen Mirren. If you did not see the Cher and Tina Turner interview on Oprah, it was very funny. Cher's comment got a big laugh. Afterwards, Turner performed (showing off the legendary gams, of course) and Cher joined her. Here is a summary of what they said about aging from

Cher and Tina Turner's Interview - On Aging:

With Cher 61 and Tina Turner 68, Oprah asked how they felt about this time in their life and Cher responded by saying that she thinks it sucks. Tina's response, however, was much different, saying that she welcomes it with open arms and enjoys the wisdom, the way she thinks differently, her attitude and outlook on life being clearer.

Both Cher and Tina remember what it was like not to know how to do anything on their own after their divorces. Both women had to learn how to be on their own and grow from their mistakes. The learning curve for both women began after their divorces.

Remember how big of a deal it was in 1997 when Gloria Stuart was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Titanic? At the time she was pushing 90. According to IMDB, she was the oldest person to be nominated for an Oscar at the time. IMDB also notes that she was nominated at People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People that year....

They age, of course, though many fight it with alterations to their bodies...those who do it gracefully (by this I mean without looking totally plastic, although I understand why they do it) are an inspiration. To wit: Helen Mirren. If you did not see the Cher and Tina Turner interview on Oprah, it was very funny. Cher's comment got a big laugh. Afterwards, Turner performed (showing off the legendary gams, of course) and Cher joined her. Here is a summary of what they said about aging from

Cher and Tina Turner's Interview - On Aging:

With Cher 61 and Tina Turner 68, Oprah asked how they felt about this time in their life and Cher responded by saying that she thinks it sucks. Tina's response, however, was much different, saying that she welcomes it with open arms and enjoys the wisdom, the way she thinks differently, her attitude and outlook on life being clearer.

Both Cher and Tina remember what it was like not to know how to do anything on their own after their divorces. Both women had to learn how to be on their own and grow from their mistakes. The learning curve for both women began after their divorces.

I'm trying to see if my type key ID works. This is a great story.

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