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« Change We Can Live In | Main | Elderblogging on TV »
April 8, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (0)
Is Oprah Finally Getting It?
Jamie Lee Curtis definitely does. In answer to Oprah's question "How do you feel about aging?" Golden Globe winning actress Jamie Lee Curtis said, "Bring it on!" After appearing au naturel on the cover of AARP The Magazine, Curtis talked to Oprah about turning 50, going grey and aging with grace:
Jamie says she is trying to portray a truthful image of herself, both in life and on the cover of AARP The Magazine. "I believe that life is hard," she says. "That we all are going to walk through things that are hard and challenging, and yet advertising wants us to believe that it's all easy. Everything's easy—aging's easy, childrearing's easy, dressing's easy—everything's easy. And I think it's a real disservice to people because I think it feeds you something that's not true."