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March 19, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (1)

Rule by Division

Nathan Newman offers up a thoughtful post on race, class and power in America today...

Obama's speech was possibly the greatest speech on race and class in modern politics, highlighting the inextricable link between the two in America where each has shaped the other in our history. Instead of simplistic "can't we all get along" messages or [Bill] Clintoneseque statements about "strength through diversity", Obama took head on the festering anger fueling racism and racial resentment, brilliantly juxtaposing black anger and white anger and the way the privileged corporate class has exploited that racial division.
Read the whole thing here...
Comments ( 1)

I couldn' agree with you more!
Below are my thoughts as posted to ABC News
and my site:

OBAMA Speaks on Race & Religion
Thank God for Obama !
Just finished reading Obama’s speech on Race & Religion
I am even more looking forward to hearing this great speech of his on the air. Obama’s vision for bringing unity out of the ashes of division is just the type of leadership and statesmanship that is needed in our country more than at any other time in our history! We should all be proud and pray for Obama’s leadership,which is capable of rising above the muck and mire of race diversion and staying focused on the real issues that divide that our country such as the war in Iraq and the economy.
I am thankful that God has given Senator Obama this platform to address our nation, and that what the enemy meant for evil God meant it for good. Good for our country, good for the world and good for our political system. I pray that we as country will become even more unified and that the hopes and dreams of America will finally be realized. Obama sees the greatness of our nation more than the bitter in fighting and he embraces the higher ground that God is calling us to! Also I thank God that Obama’s speech has cause me to resurrect my blog and let my voice be heard and that there are millions of others like me who will let their voices be stirred by Obama to fulfill the destiny of America, to right our people as one nation and that God will heal the land!
william wingo
Power Magazine
faith-based publishing

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