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« Yes We Can | Main | Stop and Look and Listen »

February 4, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (2)

The Crone Speaks...

... and I listen. I might not agree, I do not have to agree, but I'll listen, if I'm smart.

Here's her opening...

Conspicuously missing from the discourse of the presidential campaign is the topic of aging, as Naomi points out here. In fact, if you are specifically looking for the candidates stances on aging issues, you have to go directly to their respective websites, because it does not get much, if any, play in the media. And I find that I really need to address this, in part, because of CNN’s exit polls that say Clinton benefited the most from the over 65 vote. That boggles my mind, because as the oldest front-running candidate, she has said the least on aging issues.

Please consider reading the whole post, it is excellent.

Comments ( 2)

Thanks for the shoutout!

It is unfortunate to hear of another case of disregard of the voice of our elders. It seems to be just another strike against the empowerment of elders within our society. By electing another individual with zero regard for the needs of the older population will only hurt the cause. Unfortunately, we only have a limited number of candidates. However, we can remain optimistic that through advocacy efforts we can broaden their focus to include the needs of older adults.

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