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« The Crone Speaks... | Main | Now There is No Doubt... »
February 5, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (2)
Stop and Look and Listen
ChangingAging reader Lily Jarman-Reisch passes along notice of this interesting YouTube clip. It really highlights how crazy fast the world is becoming and how amazed people are when we "just stop" even for a few minutes. Elders have been talking about the need to stop and think for several millenia now. I am happy to see younger people putting these ideas into circulation as well.
Comments ( 2)
Thanks for this. It woke an awful lot of people.
I love this clip. What occurs to me is how differently the observers might have responded had the "actors" been old. There's another similar clip in which they slow down at Home Depot, then freeze. If they'd been old I picture a very different, and potentially less kindly, reaction.