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« Would It? | Main | Photon Torpedoes »

December 19, 2007 |Permalink |Comments (1)


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I think that, in some respects, Andrea was lucky to have committed such a boldly inappropriate act (teaching her 2-year old to speak words of hatred). Because of her outrageously offensive actions, everything blew up in her face quite fast and so she was given the opportunity to make a decision that would change her forever.

I am actually more worried about the rest of us, as we tend to go through life more quietly than Andrea but still committing acts of judgment and hurt, just a bit more subtly. When I think of all the times I have expressed narrow minded opinions and judgments in the presence of my son, I cringe. And of all the times I have influenced him to adopt my views knowing that he is not likely to question anything his mother says... Not yet, anyway.

We go through the journey of life reacting to people and events and not realizing the impact that our actions have on those around us. Our life trajectory resembles the graphics of the leads of an EKG - sometimes we are on an upswing, committing acts of virtue, sometimes we are shamefully low. Andrea's story was just a snapshot of a point in time in her trajectory and it happened to be when she had hit rock bottom. The only thing that ultimately matters, however, is how the story ends. If we are lucky, we learn from these experiences. For some, as Maya Angelou would say, all it takes is a gentle whisper and they get it; for others - a brick on the head.

I just try to stay quiet so that I can catch the whisper and avoid the pain.

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